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“巴西井喷和角蛋白治疗都是头发平滑处理,可暂时涂抹在头发外层,使头发光滑,去除毛躁,增强光泽,减少吹干时间。根据您的造型师的品牌,它们会有所不同使用,“Arsen Gurgov在纽约市的所有者Arsen Gurgov在一封电子邮件中向TODAY Style解释.


“巴西人也会留下你的自然纹理(卷曲或波浪)而只是去掉毛躁,”纽约Barneys的Sally Hershberger Salon的造型师Brandi Voorhees解释道。 “角蛋白,(治疗)更重,带走更多的体积和毛躁,更加平静卷曲。”








公司采取自然纹理的运动,因此他们也适应了他们的产品。 Keratin Complex营销总监Zoe Hyams向TODAY Style解释说,现在有一些治疗方法可以让你获得角蛋白的好处 提高 卷发。在5月,6月和7月的高湿度时期,这些处理通常也会出现峰值,Hyams称之为“峰值平滑月”。



纽约市Warren Tricomi Flatiron的高级发型师Anthony J. Diaco补充说,这些治疗方法也可以根据客户的需求进行调整。对于一些人来说,他只会做他们的发际线,因为他们仍然希望在他们的头发上有一点天然的毛躁.

“我喜欢定制我为每一个要求这个的客户定制的治疗方法。不是每个人都想要直发,平直的头发。大多数人仍然想要丰满,身体和体积,”Diaco说。 “它被误解为角蛋白只会使头发笔直而扁平。”

巴西井喷通常持续约三个月,其中角蛋白治疗通常持续三至五个月。这一切都取决于你洗发的频率和头发的自然质地。 Gurgov建议在进行其中一种治疗后,每周只洗一次或两次头发,然后使用不含硫酸盐的洗发水和护发素。.








它还可以帮助调理头发。 Gurgov建议使用头发面罩或免洗护发素进行额外补水,因为有时化学品可能会干燥,这取决于您的造型师的应用.

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    Although warm weather is always a welcome change, it can wreak havoc on a good hair day. Gorgeous locks can quickly turn frizzy, and thats where hair smoothing treatments can save the day. But how do you know if a keratin treatment or a Brazilian blowout is right for you? Whats the difference between the two? TODAY Style has exclusive news and breaks it all down for you. Whats the difference between keratin treatments and Brazilian blowouts? Both treatments aim to do the same thing: eliminate frizz and smooth your locks. In fact, aside from the names and ingredients they use to get the job done, there isnt much difference between the two. Theyre like Coke and Pepsi. “Both Brazilian blowouts and keratin treatments are hair smoothing treatments that can be temporarily applied to the outer layer of the hair, making it smooth, eliminating frizz, enhancing shine, and reducing blow-dry time. Depending on the brand your stylist uses, they will differ,” Arsen Gurgov, owner of Arsen Gurgov in New York City, explained in an email to TODAY Style. However, while both treatments can alleviate frizz and smooth out locks, there are differences in intensity. “Brazilian blowouts also leave your natural texture (curls or waves) while just removing frizz,” explained Brandi Voorhees, a stylist at Sally Hershberger Salon in New Yorks Barneys. “Keratin, (treatment) is heavier, taking more volume and frizz away, calming curls more.” Gurgov agrees and adds, “In general, keratin treatments will bring more smoothing and deep conditioning effects…because it contains fewer harsh chemicals and organic silicones that weigh down hair and clog the scalp than Brazilian blowouts.” Both treatments contain formaldehyde and other chemicals, so its important to ask your stylist about the brand and ingredients to ensure its right for you. Just like different brands of shampoo, different brands of treatments can produce slightly different results. Will it make my hair too straight? Dont worry: no matter which way you go, you wont get that straight, flat Japanese straightening look that was popular in the 90s. “These treatments wont permanently glue your strands straight and will grow out naturally. When you use a permanent chemical straightener

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