


是的,那是件好事。蓝色染发剂可以去除深色头发中不需要的黄铜色调 – 这是染发或有亮点的女性的一个特殊问题 – 当颜色开始褪色时.

“当你的底色,天然色素开始出现,红色出现时,”名人调色师Mincho Pacheco在波士顿James Joseph Salon的客户身上使用蓝色洗发水,他告诉TODAY Style。 “每个人的头发都是红色的,甚至是金发女郎。”

“从棕色中取消橙色或红色色调非常棒,”他补充道。 “我们将它用于那些总是想要那种深沉,有光泽的棕色外观的人,一个在太阳下度过很多时间的人,或者经常洗头的人。”


发型师Paul Norton也是蓝色洗发水的粉丝 – 他在包括Gina Rodriguez在内的名人客户身上使用过它。但他补充说,黑发不应该完全打折紫色洗发水。根据您尝试纠正的音调,它甚至可能是更好的选择.

演员 Gina Rodriguez, blue shampoo, Paul Norton
蓝色洗发水是Gina Rodriguez闪亮的棕色头发的秘密?GC图像/盖蒂图像


“在家里尝试任何这些都是百分之百的安全,”诺顿告诉TODAY Style。 “这不是你需要依赖发型师的东西,因为没有色彩沉积。只有色调校正,甚至没有激进的色调校正,它几乎是表面级别的色调校正。而且它不是永久性的。”


在沙龙,Pacheco发誓Fanola(20美元,亚马逊)和Alaparf的蓝色洗发水。 Norton是Bain de Terre用于黑发的薰衣草洗发水的粉丝.




$ 13亚马逊



Joico Color Balance蓝色洗发露

$ 16个的Ulta


Madison Reed调整颜色复活洗发水

$ 26丝芙兰

Madison Reed的版本是蓝色和绿色颜料的混合物,也有望保护彩色头发.


$ 17亚马逊




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    For years, blonde women have been turning to purple shampoo to maintain their brassiness. Now, black hair finally has a product of their own: blue shampoo! Yes, thats a good thing. Blue dye can remove unwanted brassy tones in dark hair – a particular problem for women who dye their hair or have highlights – when the color starts to fade. “When your base color, natural pigment starts to come out, red comes out,” celebrity colorist Mincho Pacheco, who uses blue shampoo on clients at the James Joseph Salon in Boston, told TODAY Style. “Everyones hair is red, even blondes.” “Canceling out orange or red tones from brown is great,” he added. “We use it on those who always want that deep, shiny brown look, someone who spends a lot of time in the sun, or someone who washes their hair frequently.” Blue shampoo is for black hair, purple shampoo is for blonde hair. Colors opposite each other on the color wheel cancel each other out, purple cancels out yellow or green tones, blue cancels out orange or red tones. Hairstylist Paul Norton is also a fan of blue shampoo – he has used it on celebrity clients including Gina Rodriguez. But he adds that black hair shouldnt completely discount purple shampoo. Depending on the tone youre trying to correct, it may even be a better choice. The point of this story? Wander around until you find the shampoo you like. “Trying any of these at home is 100% safe,” Norton told TODAY Style. “This isnt something you need to rely on a hairstylist for because theres no color deposit. Its just tone correction, not even radical tone correction, its almost surface-level tone correction. And its not permanent.” Both experts recommend using blue shampoo about once a week for black hair with brassy tones (like the blue shampoo from Ulta). But be careful: if you use too much at once or wash your hair frequently, your hair will become darker than you want. In the salon, Pacheco swears by Fanola ($20, Amazon) and Alaparfs blue shampoo. Norton is a fan of Bain de Terres lavender shampoo for black hair. But if youre looking for a quick fix, here are a few drugstore versions

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