在Marilyn Monroe的生日那天,这就是为什么我喜欢我的美丽印记

在Marilyn Monroe的生日那天,这就是为什么我喜欢我的美丽印记


“不管怎么说,没有它你会看起来更好。”没有我的痣,我无法想象我的脸,所以当一个真正的皮肤科医生 – 而不是一个没有接受过医学训练的随机人 – 认为痣完全没法时,我感到宽慰.

分娩 Marks. From right to left, Cindy Crawford, Marilyn Monroe and Madonna.
从右到左,Cindy Crawford,Marilyn Monroe和Madonna.AP文件

我不记得有一次我没有充分保护自己的痣 – 甚至当孩子们叫我“小鸟粪脸”时,或者后来当我发现大学里的人称我为“带点的女孩”时。我会赞扬我的父母培养自尊(“我的痣是我的一部分,我很好,因此我的痣必须是好的”),还要巧妙地将面部痣作为美容标记重新塑造。目前还不清楚这种痣改造何时开始,但在文艺复兴时期,美丽的痕迹如此受欢迎,以至于人们正在修饰虚假的痕迹。 (你有一个你不是太疯狂的功能吗?我说,给它美容处理!)

当我年轻的时候,我总是称我的痣是一个美丽的标记。事实上,我是一个美丽的啦啦队长,我被邀请与朋友的妹妹交谈,她正在为她的面部痣取笑。我告诉她,美丽的标记是多么美妙,它们如何让我们与众不同,以及她与Cindy Crawford,麦当娜,当然还有Marilyn Monroe这样伟大的公司应该感到多么自豪。现在我想知道她母亲对我的看法是什么建议“像一个处女”的歌手作为她7岁女儿的榜样…无论如何,她在聊天后似乎对她的痣感觉好些了.

照片©Diana Levine | http://www.dianalevine.com | [email protected]

作为一个成年人,我有点尴尬地使用“美容标记”一词,并开始说“痣”一段时间。 (感觉太像我说的那样,“我太热了,我的脸上有一个标记告诉你我有多热!”)然后,几年前,我把自己形容为一个我从来没有过的公关人员亲自见面,所以她可以在一个活动中找到我:“我大概是5’4”,我有一头长长的金发,脸上都有一颗痣。“我出现在活动中,她第一眼脱口而出是的,“你太漂亮了!”当她听到一个食人魔,当她听到我的脸上有一个“痣”时,她结结巴巴地说道。(我想她正在想象史莱克 – 现在我想起了,有一个关于接受你自己,痣和所有人的信息。)从那以后它再次成为“美丽的标志”.

每年在我的年度皮肤科检查中,听到我的痣仍然看起来如此美丽和健康以至于我能保持它,我真的感到欣慰。好吧,也许文件只说它看起来“很好” – 但每隔一段时间我就会让“美标”的口号直奔我的头脑.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can understand and translate the text provided into multiple languages. Here is a translation of the text into English:

    “When I was about 14 years old, a neighbor woman grabbed my face and took a good look at the mole under my right eye, claiming it “could be cancer” and that I should have it removed as soon as possible. “Anyway, you would look better without it.” I cant imagine my face without my mole, so when a real dermatologist – not just a random person without medical training – said the mole was completely fine, I felt relieved. From right to left, Cindy Crawford, Marilyn Monroe, and Madonna. AP file I dont remember a time when I didnt fully embrace my mole – even when kids called me “bird poop face” or later when people in college referred to me as “the girl with the dot.” I credit my parents for instilling self-confidence (“my mole is a part of me, Im fine, therefore my mole must be fine”) and cleverly reframing facial moles as beauty marks. Its unclear when this mole makeover began, but during the Renaissance, beautiful blemishes were so popular that people were enhancing fake ones. (“You have a feature youre not too crazy about? I say, give it a beauty treatment!”) When I was young, I always referred to my mole as a beauty mark. In fact, I was a beautiful cheerleader and was invited to talk to a friends little sister who was being teased for her facial mole. I told her how wonderful beauty marks were, how they made us unique, and how she should be proud to be in such great company as Cindy Crawford, Madonna, and of course, Marilyn Monroe. Now I wonder what her mother thought of my advice to the “Like a Virgin” singer as a role model for her 7-year-old daughter… Anyway, she seemed to feel better about her mole after our chat. Photo ©Diana Levine | http://www.dianalevine.com | [email protected] As an adult, Im a little embarrassed to use the term “beauty mark” and have started saying “mole” for a while. (Feels too much like Im saying, “Im so hot, theres a mark on my face to tell you how hot I am!”) Then, a few years ago, I

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