


2016年11月,Ariel Desiree McRae在一家珠宝店员工发表负面评论后,前往Facebook为她的130美元订婚戒指辩护。此后该帖子已经病毒传播,共享超过50,000次.

“我丈夫没有太多,我们俩都没有,”22岁,在学校成为一名教师,在帖子中写道。 “我们刮刮钱,把食物放进肚子里,但经过近两年的约会,我们决定不能再等了,所以我们没有。”

Ariel继续解释说,她告诉她当时的男朋友Quinn McRae,她不需要戒指,她想做的就是“嫁给我最好的朋友”。然而,他坚持要一枚戒指,两人一起从潘多拉珠宝中挑选了一枚130美元的纯银和立方氧化锆套装。.

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“我的丈夫非常害怕我不想要他,因为他买不起一件珠宝,”Ariel McRae在他们订婚当天的照片中写道。 “但是我在这里,法院结婚,130美元的戒指,我生命的爱在我身边,比我想象的更快乐。”阿里尔麦克雷

在特殊场合,珠宝店的销售助理发表评论,震惊了幸福的一对。 “你们都能相信有些男人会把这些作为订婚戒指吗?多么可怜,”店员说.

在帖子中,Ariel描述了她如何看待Quinn对评论的“面子堕落”。 “他已经感觉像是一次失败,一次又一次地问我’你确定你会对这些感到满意吗?你确定这没关系吗?’”Ariel写道。 “他对我不能让我开心,以及我不想嫁给他的想法感到非常沮丧,因为我的戒指没有花足够的钱或不够华丽。”

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“我喜欢他带着一粒盐。他非常有趣,”麦克雷告诉今天她的丈夫。 “这是我首先为他摔倒的原因之一。”阿里尔麦克雷

这位22岁的女孩迅速为她即将成为丈夫和他们的爱情辩护。 “重要的不是戒指,而是购买其中的爱情,”她写道,也告诉她今天她并不认为职员故意是粗鲁的.

在真正的被盗之后,夫妇使用Ring Pops作为结婚戒指


一周后,在他们遇到的那一天的两周年纪念日,这对夫妇在田纳西州的一个法院大楼里私奔。 “如果它是一个25美分的口香糖球机环,我们都会和这个男人结婚,”Ariel在帖子中解释道。.

阿里尔对她的帖子的反应一直“震惊和鼓舞”。 “我收到很多人的消息告诉我,我给了他们最后提出或结婚的勇气,即使他们买不起戒指,”她告诉今天.

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当销售助理对她的戒指发表评论时,这位准新娘知道该说些什么. 阿里尔麦克雷



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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or a preferred language to write in. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    “A newlywed couple proves that you really cant put a price tag on love. In November 2016, Ariel Desiree McRae defended her $130 engagement ring on Facebook after a jewelry store employee made negative comments. Since then, the post has gone viral, shared over 50,000 times.

    “My husband doesnt have much, and neither do we,” wrote the 22-year-old teacher in the post. “We scrape and save to put food in our bellies, but after almost two years of dating, we decided we couldnt wait any longer, so we didnt.” Ariel went on to explain that she told her then-boyfriend Quinn McRae that she didnt need a ring, she just wanted to “marry my best friend.” However, he insisted on a ring, and they picked out a $130 sterling silver and cubic zirconia set from Pandora.

    “My husband was so afraid of me not wanting him because he couldnt afford a piece of jewelry,” wrote Ariel McRae in a photo from their engagement day. “But here I am, court married, $130 ring, the love of my life by my side, and happier than I could ever imagine.”

    In a special occasion, a jewelry store sales assistant made a comment that shocked the happy couple. “Can you believe that some men would buy these as engagement rings? How pathetic,” the employee said. In the post, Ariel described how she felt about Quinns “face falling” at the comment. “He already felt like a failure, asking me over and over again Are you sure youll be happy with this? Are you sure its okay?” Ariel wrote. “He was so upset at the thought of me not being happy with him and our engagement ring not being flashy enough.”

    “I like that he bought me a ring with a salt grain on it. Hes so funny,” McRae told TODAY of her husband. “Thats one of the reasons I fell in love with him in the first place.”

    The 22-year-old quickly defended her soon-to-be husband and their love. “Its not the ring that matters, its the love that goes into buying one,” she wrote, also saying she didnt think the staff member was intentionally rude.

    A week later

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