


这三个毛茸茸的哨兵监视着我家里的一举一动。他们跟着我去冰箱。他们跟着我去微波炉。他们跟着我去洗手间。 (我也不理解。)但所有这些亲密的友谊意味着我也会跟随他们的一举一动 – 我学到了一些东西,特别是那些最难以捉摸和神秘的生物,驯养的猫.


1. “拥有”一只猫?没那么快. 

迭戈没有所有者或主人。迭戈进军他自己的揭幕战。像大多数猫科动物一样,他是自豪和独立的,他与贫困者相反 – 也就是说,除非他感到有需要。但这是他的决定.

迭戈 the cat



“猫不是’闩锁’的宠物,在没有你的关注和照顾的情况下相处得非常好,幸福,”兽医和最佳朋友动物协会幸福研究主任Frank McMillan博士说。麦克米兰指出,猫的快乐取决于通过人际互动,友谊和精神刺激来满足情感需求. 


劳拉 Coffey, Athima Chansanchai and Diego the cat
TODAY.com的作家Laura T. Coffey和Diego这位猫与记者Athima Chansanchai一同出去玩. 今天


3. 你的猫会阻止你做任何文书工作 只要你活着就再来一次. 




博士 Frank McMillan with a cat
最佳朋友动物协会的兽医弗兰克麦克米兰,在这里看到猫科动物,研究猫的行为. 今天



一个 orange and white tabby named Jack showed plenty of catitude when a much larger black bear wandered onto his property in 2006.
当一只更大的黑熊在2006年徘徊在他的财产上时,一只名叫杰克的橙色和白色虎斑显示出了很大的吸引力.Suzanne Giovanetti /今天

你的猫可能会表现出爱 痛苦的方式. 

迭戈最喜欢的表达情感的方法之一是同时平衡他在胸部和头部的重量 – 通常在凌晨3点左右,当我试图睡觉时。一旦他让自己处于正确的位置,他就会用尖锐的爪子将它们狠狠地揉在我的头皮,颈部或手臂上。揉捏动作通常伴随着源源不断的流口水和深沉的咕噜声。这种行为完全吻合了Cheezburger Network首席执行官Ben Huh和Lolcats背后的人对猫的观察:“睡眠时间不仅与你的不同,而且往往是完全可选的。”

6. 猫喜欢盒子. 


爱丽丝 the cat in a box
巴克 the cat in a beer box
迭戈 the cat on pizza box

7. 你的猫可能比你想象的更具运动能力和杂技能力. 


阿里亚 the cat perched on top of a door
Nina Moses对她的猫Arya选择的栖息地感到震惊.今天


明尼哈哈 the cat walks on back of wooden chair
没有汗水:一只名叫Minnehaha的猫轻松平衡. 今天


猫 balancing on back legs

8. 期待长期存在的猫神话被打破.  


神话1: 猫不是很好的观察动物.

尼基塔 the cat looking out door at a squirrel

神话2: 猫是孤独的.

猫 sleeping together in a pile
Cats Cai,Merlyn和Arya睡在一起.今天

神话3: 猫很有尊严.

Caillean (Cai) the cat sleeps with tongue sticking out.

神话4: 猫很安静。 “当他们在房子里穿着猫科动物奥运会时,他们听起来就像一群野生动物!”摩西说.


他们会在白天或晚上的随机时间对你拥有一种奇怪的力量。他们会在最不合时宜的时候吸引你。为什么我们在这种媒介中如此吸引猫? Cheezburger和Lolcats的Huh有一个理论:“当他们通过互联网看时,他们的致命性要小得多。”看下面的例子并惊叹: 

需要一个Coffey休息?与TODAY.com作家Laura T. Coffey联系 Facebook的, 跟着她 推特  谷歌+ 或阅读更多她的故事 LauraTCoffey.com.

About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a preference for any language. However, I can provide a translation of the given text in English:

    There are cat people, dog people, and two kinds of people. I am both. I share a home with a 13-year-old cat named Diego and two big dogs named Frida and Manny. We rarely leave each others sight. These three furry sentinels monitor every move in my house. They follow me to the fridge. They follow me to the microwave. They follow me to the bathroom. (I dont get it either.) But all this close friendship means I also follow their every move – Ive learned a thing or two, especially about the most elusive and mysterious creatures, domesticated cats. Here are some things I wish I knew before having a cat. 1. “Owning” a cat? Not so fast. Diego has no owner or master. Diego entered his own debut. Like most felines, he is proud and independent, and he is the opposite of needy – that is, unless he feels like it. But thats his decision. Diego the cat likes quiet time at the top of the stairs. Today 2. Dont be fooled by the “too cool for school” stuff. Yes, cats can sometimes be aloof. Indifferent. Overcome with lethargy. But be with them at all times, and the truth emerges: they crave you. “Cats are not locked pets and do very well without your attention and care, happy,” says Dr. Frank McMillan, director of well-being research at the Best Friends Animal Society. McMillan notes that a cats happiness depends on meeting emotional needs through social interaction, friendship, and mental stimulation. I totally get it. For example, note Diegos face in a recent photo taken during a party: TODAY.com writer Laura T. Coffey and Diego the cat went out to play with reporter Athima Chansanchai. Today Diego had a great time here. He just acted bored. 3. Your cat will stop you from doing any paperwork. Come back as long as youre alive. Want to pay bills, write handwritten notes, or fill out school forms for your kids? Good luck. Dr. McMillan says, “In a good demonstration of the cats desire for your attention, they deliberately place themselves where they know your attention is focused.” The moment you

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