Potty parity:爸爸在男人的房间里为换尿布的桌子而战

Potty parity:爸爸在男人的房间里为换尿布的桌子而战





居住在洛杉矶的妻子和两个小女儿Doyin Richards说,他经常遇到这种情况 – 大概有三分之二的时间他和孩子一起出去.

“这基本上是直截了当地说,只有女性更换尿布 – 男士不换尿布。这在2014年及以后是不可接受的。 “但事实并非如此,”39岁的理查兹说,他是今天的父母撰稿人,撰写了爸爸的工作博客,他早些时候发布了一张病毒照片,当时他贴了自己的照片,温柔地梳理着他2岁女儿的头发,同时也穿着他的女婴。在承运人.






例如,迈阿密戴德县(Miami Dade County)需要一些新的和改造的企业 – 包括电影院,体育场和大型餐馆 – 才能让男女更换宝宝站。迈阿密的城市拥有的建筑也提供额外的福利。匹兹堡也有类似的法律.




“一般来说,更换桌子,特别是男士的房间,现在看来是正常的;他们不仅仅是为了玩具店了,“艾伦写道,爸爸是博客。 “爸爸和任何人一样都有可能在洗手间里换桌子。”


爸 and baby
Doyin Richards,两个小女孩的父亲,说像他这样的孩子,如果他们看到婴儿在女厕所换尿布台时很沮丧,而不是男人。.今天









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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or culture. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    “It is one of the most chaotic and terrifying aspects of famous parenting. However, fathers across the country are fighting for the right to change diapers. The problem is that when the critical moment comes, women who go out and hold babies can usually find a changing table in the womens restroom, but fathers who take care of babies often have bad luck in the mens restroom. What do dads do on the go? The California legislature is currently considering two “penny parity” bills that require equal use of diaper changing tables for men and women. Doyin Richards, a wife and mother of two daughters living in Los Angeles, said he often encounters this situation – about two-thirds of the time he goes out with his children. “This is basically straightforward, only women change diapers – men dont change diapers. This is unacceptable in 2014 and beyond,” said the 39-year-old Richards, who is todays parent writer and wrote a dads work blog. He posted a viral photo earlier, when he posted his own photo, gently combing his 2-year-old daughters hair while wearing his baby. In the carrier. “Dads like me are really involved with their children and want to be actively with them and help them. Its very frustrating for their children.” According to a recent government study, about 90% of fathers who live with their children report that they bathe, change diapers, or dress their children every day or several times a week. This study pointed out that fathers are more involved in their childrens lives than previous generations. A survey of about 1,000 fathers today found that 54% of modern dads changed diapers, while only 37% said their fathers had changed diapers. In California, the state senate has passed two bills that require equal access to changing stations in new public restrooms and are waiting for a hearing in the state legislature. So far, there are no state or federal laws protecting mens diaper-changing rights. However, many companies provide changing stations for family restrooms for customer convenience, and some communities have enacted local laws to address the issue. For example, Miami-Dade County requires some new and renovated businesses – including cinemas, sports stadiums, and large restaurants – to allow men and women to change baby stations. The city of Miamis buildings also provide additional benefits.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or culture. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    “It is one of the most chaotic and terrifying aspects of famous parenting. However, fathers across the country are fighting for the right to change diapers. The problem is that when the critical moment comes, women who go out and hold babies can usually find a changing table in the womens restroom, but fathers who take care of babies often have bad luck in the mens restroom. What do dads do on the go? The California legislature is currently considering two “penny parity” bills that require equal use of diaper changing tables for men and women. Doyin Richards, a wife and mother of two daughters living in Los Angeles, said he often encounters this situation – about two-thirds of the time he goes out with his children. “This is basically straightforward, only women change diapers – men dont change diapers. This is unacceptable in 2014 and beyond,” said the 39-year-old Richards, who is todays parent writer and wrote a dads work blog. He posted a viral photo earlier, when he posted his own photo, gently combing his 2-year-old daughters hair while wearing his baby. In the carrier. “Dads like me are really involved with their children and want to be actively with them and help them. Its very frustrating for their children.” According to a recent government study, about 90% of fathers who live with their children report that they bathe, change diapers, or dress their children every day or several times a week. This study pointed out that fathers are more involved in their childrens lives than previous generations. A survey of about 1,000 fathers today found that 54% of modern dads changed diapers, while only 37% said their fathers had changed diapers. In California, the state senate has passed two bills that require equal access to changing stations in new public restrooms and are waiting for a hearing in the state legislature. So far, there are no state or federal laws protecting mens diaper-changing rights. However, many companies provide changing stations for family restrooms for customer convenience, and some communities have enacted local laws to address the issue. For example, Miami-Dade County requires some new and renovated businesses – including cinemas, sports stadiums, and large restaurants – to allow men and women to change baby stations. The city of Miamis buildings also provide additional benefits.

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