


2月14日,Alyssa Alhadeff在佛罗里达州Parkland的Marjory Stoneman道格拉斯高中开火后,被怀疑枪手尼古拉斯克鲁兹杀害的17人之一.

谈论她仍然痛苦 – 但必要 – 为她的母亲Lori Alhadeff.

“我正处于战斗模式。 Alyssa是一名战士。我是她的声音。她的精神在我身上。她希望我不要只是坐在那里哭泣。她希望我在这里打架并试图改变,“Alhadeff告诉Megyn Kelly TODAY.



为了纪念Alyssa的记忆,Lori创建了Make Schools Safe组织,致力于她的女儿,其使命是避免未来的枪击事件。她个人的表现取决于日,时,分,秒.

“有时候我生气又生气,我想尖叫。其他时候,我哭泣和不安,我不明白为什么Alyssa这样被带走了。其他时候我很坚强,想要尽我所能,“Alhadeff说。 “我得到了家人和朋友的支持和爱戴。我丈夫对我的支持很大。我有一位生活教练可以帮助我处理我的感受。“

Megyn Kelly对学校枪击案说:“我们几乎没有做过任何事情”


Alhadeff希望其他父母参与其中,而不是烘烤砂锅或放下鲜花。 “我只是一个人。我希望别人质疑管理员。我希望他们提问,“她说.






“她是她的足球队的队长。她跳过了预代数,直接进入代数我并在课堂上得到了A.她本来就是为了伟大,“阿哈德夫说。 “我想让她记住,作为一个美丽,爱心的人。她有一种传染性的笑声。但她很善良。她在无家可归者收容所做志愿者。“

柏龄 victim Alyssa Alhadeff with her parents.
Parkland受害者Alyssa Alhadeff和她的父母。上个月她在高中被枪杀时,艾丽莎才14岁.由Lori Alhadeff提供





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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    “Its not easy. On February 14th, Alyssa Alhadeff was one of the 17 people suspected to have been killed by gunman Nikolas Cruz at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Her mother, Lori Alhadeff, still talks about her pain – but necessary – for her daughter. “Im in battle mode. Alyssa is a warrior. I am her voice. Her spirit is in me. She wants me not to just sit there and cry. She wants me to fight here and try to change,” Alhadeff told Megyn Kelly TODAY. To commemorate Alyssas memory, Lori created the Make Schools Safe organization, dedicated to her daughter, whose mission is to prevent future shootings. Her personal performance depends on the day, time, minute, and second. “Sometimes Im angry and angry, I want to scream. Other times, I cry and feel uneasy, I dont understand why Alyssa was taken away like this. Other times Im strong and want to do my best,” Alhadeff said. “I have the support and love of my family and friends. My husbands support is great. I have a life coach who can help me deal with my feelings.” Megyn Kelly said of the school shooting, “Weve done almost nothing.” Feb.15.201809:13 Alhadeff hopes that other parents will get involved instead of baking pots or putting down flowers. “Im just one person. I hope others question administrators. I hope they ask,” she said. And please dont tell Alhadeffs location, you know her feelings. Sometimes people approach her and say they know her feelings because they have also lost loved ones. Losing your child in a shooting is something most parents have, fortunately, never experienced. “Its hard for me to open up to those who want to connect with me because theyve lost someone in their lives. I cant give them that emotional part. I have to be able to protect myself. Dont just say youre sorry and feel sorry for me,” Alhadeff said. On the day of the shooting, Alhadeff heard the shooting and rushed to the school after being shot. She said she waited about nine hours before finding out

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