

当摄影师艾琳·迪特里希(Erin Dietrich)接近她的截止日期时,南卡罗来纳州的妈妈发现整夜都难以入睡。但是,让她在怀孕后期的不眠之夜中被占领的是她能够与700英里以外的怀孕长颈鹿同情。.






虽然4月的怀孕应该持续大约15个月,但Dietrich将在3月14日到期。而在怀孕39周时,三个孩子的母亲和她的丈夫Scott Dietrich有一个想法 – 在网上订购长颈鹿面具和欺骗4月在Facebook上为他们的家人和朋友提供实时视频.

该 mom behind the mask: Dietrich will welcome her fourth child, a boy, in March.

这段视频显示迪特里希在她的卧室里踱步,在椅子上跳舞和摇摆 – 同时戴着长颈鹿面具 – 已经收到了将近3000万的观看次数,导致迪特里希充斥着鼓励和欣赏的信息,带来了一些有趣和积极的东西。许多Facebook提要.


“我们的生活只是每天从太阳到太阳下山的马戏团,”迪特里希说。 “我们尽量不把生活当回事,我们试着玩得开心……这样可以减轻人们的生活 – 这让我很开心。”

艾琳 Dietrich with husband Scott and children Brynn, 7, Landon, 4, and Blake, 2.
Erin Dietrich与丈夫Scott和孩子Brynn,7岁,Landon,4岁,Blake,2岁.阿什利妮可摄影



“现在只是一场与时间赛跑的比赛 – 谁会先生孩子?我还是四月?”迪特里希说。 “我有点希望我们在同一天拥有它们。我觉得我们现在是彼此的支持系统。整晚,她就是我的全部。”

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the context of the article, it appears to be written in Chinese. The article discusses a pregnant mother from South Carolina who sympathizes with a pregnant giraffe named April, who is 700 miles away. The mother and her husband decided to order a giraffe mask and create a live video on Facebook to entertain their family and friends. The video went viral and received almost 30 million views. The mother, Erin Dietrich, is expecting her fourth child and plans to name him Porter. She continues to monitor Aprils pregnancy and hopes they both give birth on the same day.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the context of the article, it appears to be written in Chinese. The article discusses a pregnant mother from South Carolina who sympathizes with a pregnant giraffe named April, who is 700 miles away. The mother and her husband decided to order a giraffe mask and create a live video on Facebook to entertain their family and friends. The video went viral and received almost 30 million views. The mother, Erin Dietrich, is expecting her fourth child and plans to name him Porter. She continues to monitor Aprils pregnancy and hopes they both give birth on the same day.

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