




“我们的目标是提高对尿布需求问题的认识,并筹集资金和尿布,以便能够帮助全国更多的孩子,”全国尿布银行网络执行董事Joanne Goldblum告诉TODAY.com.


“需求很大,”Goldblum说。 “我们的估计是,三分之一的美国母亲都在为这个问题而斗争。”

社区 volunteers play a vital role in the success of diaper banks. Pictured are DC Diaper Bank volunteers repackaging diapers to be distributed to families in need in the Washington, D.C. area.
社区志愿者在尿布银行的成功中发挥着至关重要的作用。图为DC Diaper Bank志愿者重新包装尿布,分发给华盛顿特区的有需要的家庭.DC尿布银行



“在许多州,我们并未满足整个州的需求,”Goldblum说。 “尿布银行,即使是大型银行,仍在发展,以满足其社区的需求。”


“尿布 Delivery Day” is always a welcome event at diaper banks. Volunteers at the Tri-Cities Diaper Bank in Yakima, Wash., unload pallets of diapers that will be repackaged and distributed to families in need.




盒 of donated diapers arrive at Nestlings Diaper Bank, which serves Western Michigan.

弗里克斯觉得学生们对于了解尿布的需求感到惊讶。 “我不认为他们曾经想过这件事,”她补充说,“就像我们大多数人一样。”

TODAY.com的撰稿人Lisa A. Flam是纽约的新闻和生活方式记者。在Twitter上关注她.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses the issue of diaper need and the efforts of the National Diaper Bank Network to help families in poverty. The lack of access to diapers can have serious consequences for families, including parents having to choose between buying diapers or paying for food or rent. The National Diaper Bank Network aims to raise awareness of this issue and collect donations to help more children in need. The article also highlights the importance of community volunteers in the success of diaper banks and the ongoing need for more support.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses the issue of diaper need and the efforts of the National Diaper Bank Network to help families in poverty. The lack of access to diapers can have serious consequences for families, including parents having to choose between buying diapers or paying for food or rent. The National Diaper Bank Network aims to raise awareness of this issue and collect donations to help more children in need. The article also highlights the importance of community volunteers in the success of diaper banks and the ongoing need for more support.

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