


Siri Daly转向着名的沙拉,希望能与女儿伦敦和Etta开始分娩。而且,虽然Daly不是百分之百确定沙拉是她收缩开始的唯一原因,今天的食物贡献者和TODAY主持人Carson Daly的妻子说她认为这有帮助.

“我第一次尝试’沙拉’我怀着我们的女儿Etta,”达利说。 “这是我的截止日期,所以不用说我已准备好让她出来了。”

妈妈 Siri Daly turned twice to this famed
妈妈Siri Daly两次转向这个着名的“孕妇沙拉”,希望能够快速启动她的劳动.Siri Daly

“我确实在吃了几个小时之后就开始出现轻微的收缩,两天后Etta出生了,”戴利说,并补充说她的医生也剥了她的膜 – 这是一种尝试开始分娩的方法 – 就在她吃之前沙拉,留下她的劳动的实际原因未知.

“沙拉本身很美味,但我真正记得的是调料,”达利说。 “它有一种非常强烈的味道 – 就像它可能含有蓖麻油或Pitocin一样。”







“孕妇沙拉”位于加利福尼亚州洛杉矶Studio City附近的Caioti Pizza Cafe餐厅。 Carrie LaDou拥有这家餐厅,并说近30年来,他们为那些希望劳动的过期孕妇提供了神秘的果岭。.

“这已经过了28年,”LaDou告诉今天。 “孕妇每天都进来 – 我们每天有5到20人 – 他们已经过期了,他们想把孩子带出去。”



“我们不是说这是穿衣 – 我们不知道它是什么,”LaDou说。 “所以,我总是告诉他们,’如果你有一个孩子,你需要吃沙拉,因为它应该是。’”


“他告诉我,’看,这个地方在Studio City,他们有这种沙拉,’”LaDou回忆道。 “医生将他们的病人送到这里 – 助产士和助产士也是如此 – 每个人都知道我们,沙拉已成为大多数当地人的怀孕终结传统。”

LaDou说餐厅跟踪每个月的“沙拉宝宝”在餐厅的黑板上。而且,Caioti Pizza Cafe的怀孕顾客可以在餐厅提供的日记中写一些关于怀孕的信息.

相关:Carson Daly和Siri Pinter在婚礼当天分享了美丽的家庭照片

“他们写下正在发生的事情,他们拥有的是什么,以及他们过去是怎么回事,”LaDou说。 “有时候,人们会回来给我们讲一个跟进故事,然后在书中张贴他们孩子的照片。”

“现在孩子们已经二十几岁了,他们进来吃饭告诉我们他们的妈妈吃了沙拉,”LaDou继续道。 “这不是我们打算做的事情 – 一位女士在28年前来到这里,吃过早餐并吃了沙拉,然后感到收缩并开始分娩。从那里,沙拉的受欢迎程度不断增加。”




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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    The first California restaurant to offer a mysterious “maternity salad” for overdue pregnant customers hoping to start their labor has become a legend, with women from all over the country mailing the salad dressing, hoping to coax their own babies out. Siri Daly turned to the famous salad, hoping to start labor with her daughters London and Etta. Although Daly is not 100% sure the salad was the sole reason her contractions began, the food contributor and TODAY hosts wife says she thinks it helped. “I tried the salad for the first time when I was pregnant with our daughter Etta,” Daly said. “It was my due date, so needless to say, I was ready to get her out.” Mom Siri Daly turned to the famous “maternity salad” twice, hoping to quickly kickstart her labor. The restaurants “maternity salad” claims to help moms give birth. In fact, when expecting their second daughter London, Carson Daly had the dressing sent to New York and his wife drank it straight from the bottle, hoping to start her labor. “She was induced, so Im not sure if it worked, but as any pregnant woman will tell you, its worth trying anything,” Daly said. Siri and Carson also have a son, Jack, who was born without any salad intervention. The “maternity salad” is located at Caioti Pizza Cafe near Studio City, California. Carrie LaDou owns the restaurant and says they have been providing the mysterious greens for overdue pregnant women hoping to go into labor for nearly 30 years. “Its been 28 years,” LaDou told TODAY. “Pregnant women come in every day – we have 5 to 20 a day – theyre overdue, they want to get the baby out.” Most of the cafes customers attribute the salads dressing to inducing labor. Although LaDou says the ingredients of the dressing are a family secret, she did reveal the other ingredients of the salad: romaine lettuce, watercress, walnuts, and pasteurized gorgonzola cheese. “Its simple, a lot of people arent familiar with watercress, its a little bitter,” LaDou said, explaining that women often request modifications to the salad and leave out certain ingredients. “Were not saying this is a

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