

在2023年4岁的Frankie Delgado在休斯顿德克萨斯城堤防吸水后几天去世后,他的父母分享了新闻媒体发生的事情。差不多一年后,他的故事挽救了另一个孩子的生命.

当Lacey Grace的女儿Elianna吸入泳池水并开始出现奇怪症状时,Grace记得Frankie的故事,并认为Elianna可能正在经历同样的事情,二次溺水。格蕾丝带着女儿去了急诊室,医生让艾丽安娜服用抗生素来治疗肺部感染引起的感染.






哥伦布全国儿童医院紧急医学部儿科助理教授Kristin Stukus博士告诉今天,“孩子们一直吞下水,这不会导致吸气事件。” “当我担心的是当淹没事件超过30秒时。”


“溺水是导致儿童死亡的主要原因之一,尤其是12岁以下的儿童,尤其是男性,”费城儿童医院急诊医学部助理医学主任James Callahan博士告诉今日.

次要 drowning, dry drowning, water safety, Elianna Grace
在游泳池玩耍后吸入一些水后,4岁的Elianna Grace病得很重,并且努力呼吸。妈妈Lacey Grace知道带她去医院,因为有一篇关于一个男孩死于二次溺水的文章.礼貌Lacey Grace


“七到十人死亡可能与(延迟溺水)有关,”卡拉汉说。 “这些延迟事件是悲惨的。但它比所有溺水伤害低不到一到两个百分点。“




  • 呕吐
  • 咳嗽持续
  • 努力呼吸
  • 行为迟钝












“溺水不是一个响亮的吵闹事件。孩子们在地表下滑倒,”Stukus说。 “我可以治疗感染,我不能治疗(缺乏)大脑的氧气……随时看着你的孩子。”


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the given text in English:

    After four-year-old Frankie Delgado died a few days after inhaling water at the Houston, Texas dike in 2017, his parents shared the incident with the news media. Almost a year later, his story saved another childs life. When Lacey Graces daughter Elianna inhaled pool water and began experiencing strange symptoms, Grace remembered Frankies story and thought Elianna might be experiencing the same thing, secondary drowning. Grace took her daughter to the emergency room, where doctors prescribed antibiotics to treat the infection caused by the lung infection.

    Drowning, secondary drowning, and dry drowning can feel like a scary place with near-death and high-profile stories. What is secondary drowning? How is it different from dry drowning? Should every child who swallows water rush to the emergency room? Maybe not. Dr. Kristin Stukus, an assistant professor of pediatrics in the emergency medicine department at Nationwide Childrens Hospital in Columbus, told Today, “Children have been swallowing water all along, and this does not lead to an aspiration event.” “What Im worried about is when the drowning event lasts more than 30 seconds.” Experts hope people know that drowning is still a greater risk. “Drowning is one of the leading causes of death in children, especially those under 12 years of age, especially males,” said Dr. James Callahan, assistant medical director of the emergency medicine department at Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia.

    After playing in the swimming pool and inhaling some water, 4-year-old Elianna Grace became seriously ill and struggled to breathe. Mom Lacey Grace knew to take her to the hospital because of an article about a boy who died from secondary drowning. For secondary and dry drowning, they are not common but can be dangerous. “Seven to ten deaths may be related to (delayed drowning),” Callahan said. “These delayed events are tragic. But its less than one to two percent lower than all drowning injuries.” Dry drowning and secondary drowning are often interchangeable, but they are different. “These are all drowning injuries,” Callahan explained. He recommends that parents seek help for their children after encountering water if they:

    – Vomit
    – Coughing persists
    – Struggling to breathe
    – Dull behavior

    Dry drowning occurs when people inhale water and the vocal cords spasm and

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