Kondo为孩子们? Marie Kondo正在为她的孩子们教授改变生活的方法

Kondo为孩子们? Marie Kondo正在为她的孩子们教授改变生活的方法



宝宝 plays in messy clothes
可以教这个小孩整理吗?整洁的大师,以及两个孩子的母亲Marie Kondo说,现在开始永远不会太早!存在Shutterstock





“当我们发现我们有一个孩子的时候,我和我丈夫通过审查我们所拥有的东西经历了一个整洁的节日。我们讨论了多少空间 – 例如,我们可以给女儿多少个抽屉,“她说.

玛丽 Kondo
禅宗整洁大师Marie Kondo展示了折叠衬衫的正确方法.波士顿环球报通过Getty Images

Kondo的整理方法是将同一类别的物品收集到一大堆 – 然后拿起每一件物品并质疑它是否会激发喜悦。如果没有,感谢该项目并将其折腾.


“你可以让他们的孩子在他们学习如何走路后,在他们大约1岁时接受挑战,”她说,解释她的大女儿有时会使用拖把,并知道如何使用除尘器来挣扎 – 到达角落.

测试Marie Kondo神奇的’改变生活’的整理技巧




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该 Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up

Spark Joy:一个关于组织和整理艺术的图解大师班,13美元,亚马逊

火花 Joy: An Illustrated Master Class on the Art of Organizing and Tidying Up

About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the article, it appears to be written in Chinese. The article discusses the organizing techniques of Marie Kondo, a well-known expert in tidying up and decluttering. She has gained international recognition through her book “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up,” which has helped many families around the world to organize their homes. Kondos methods involve collecting items of the same category and questioning whether they bring joy before deciding to keep or discard them. She also encourages parents to teach their children how to fold clothes and organize their belongings from a young age. Overall, the article highlights the importance of maintaining a clean and organized home, especially for families with children.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the article, it appears to be written in Chinese. The article discusses the organizing techniques of Marie Kondo, a well-known expert in tidying up and decluttering. She has gained international recognition through her book “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up,” which has helped many families around the world to organize their homes. Kondos methods involve collecting items of the same category and questioning whether they bring joy before deciding to keep or discard them. She also encourages parents to teach their children how to fold clothes and organize their belongings from a young age. Overall, the article highlights the importance of maintaining a clean and organized home, especially for families with children.

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