



长期担任加州电视台人物的Pattie Daly Caruso在9月17日因心脏病发作去世,享年73岁,留下她的丈夫,两个孩子和五个孙子,为这位被亲切地称为“Kiki”的女人哀悼。

这张纪念碑的照片来自Pattie在棕榈泉星光大道上的明星,她在2005年因为她作为电视主持人的长期职业生涯而获奖,她采访了从唐纳德特朗普总统到高尔夫传奇人物Arnold Palmer的所有人。.




“我们怀着沉重的心情宣布我们的母亲,妻子,祖母Pattie Daly Caruso逝世。她于2023年9月17日星期日安静地去世,”这家人在她去世后的一份声明中说道。 “她和她的孙子孙女以及其他许多人一样,知道Kiki以她的善良,巨大的精神和对生活的热爱触动了许多生活。她的家人和世界将会非常想念她,但她的火花将会闪耀永恒。”

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卡森戴利向她的母亲Pattie Daly Caruso致敬,她在73岁去世后几天. Dan MacMedan / WireImage








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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Carson Daly pays tribute to his late mother on Instagram with a simple photo symbolizing his love for a woman who served as his inspiration for a long time. Pattie Daly Caruso, a long-time California TV personality, passed away on September 17 at the age of 73 due to a heart attack, leaving behind her husband, two children, and five grandchildren. The photo is a monument to Pattie on the Palm Springs Walk of Stars, where she was awarded in 2005 for her long career as a TV host, interviewing everyone from President Donald Trump to golf legend Arnold Palmer. Carson also posted a touching poem written by Mary Elizabeth Frye in 1932, titled “Do Not Stand at My Grave and Weep.” The poem ends with the line, “I am not there; I did not die.”

    Carson Daly paid tribute to his mother Pattie Daly Caruso a few days after her passing at the age of 73. In 2013, Carson unveiled his mothers influence on him for TODAYs #InspiredBy series. His recent tribute to his mother came after an article posted by his wife Siri, who called Pattie “a vibrant force in my life.” Carson lost his father Jim Daly in 1979 when he was still a young boy. His mother was also a breast cancer survivor, and Carson often talked about how her strength in adversity inspired him.

    A public Catholic memorial for Pattie will be held at the Sacred Heart Church in Palm Desert, California on Saturday. In addition to her TV career, she worked with many charitable organizations and was an active member of the church.

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