Ellie Kemper欢迎她的第一个孩子!恭喜’Kimmy Schmidt’的明星

Ellie Kemper欢迎她的第一个孩子!恭喜’Kimmy Schmidt’的明星


这就是“坚不可摧的Kimmy Schmidt”女演员在4月访问今天期间描述怀孕的情况,但现在她和丈夫Michael Koman欢迎他们的第一个孩子.

Ellie Kemper欢迎她的第一个孩子!



就目前而言,婴儿的性别 – 以及名字 – 仍然是一个谜,就像Kemper和她的丈夫一样直到大日子.

“我们没有发现 – 这不是很棒吗?”她在四月告诉我们。 “实际上,我们把它放在一个信封里。但是我没看过!”

埃莉 Kemper

为了安全起见,我们确保给她粉红色和蓝色气球 – 以及一些有趣的必需品.

相关:艾莉·肯珀(Ellie Kemper)在今天星期天开放了关于怀孕,“金米施密特”和喜剧的故事

艾莉·肯珀开玩笑说:我怀孕只是为了让人们观看’Kimmy Schmidt’


Kemper在春季的“The Tonight Show”中宣布她怀孕,主持人Jimmy Fallon立即跳起来直接对她的婴儿磕碰说话.

“我等不及你了(’Kimmy Schmidt’),”他对肯珀的腹部大喊道。 “你的妈妈非常有趣;她非常有才华!”

这里希望家里有趣的跑步 – 实际上,多亏了Kemper的妈妈给TODAY打来的电话,我们已经知道了.

艾莉·肯珀(Ellie Kemper)从她那个搞笑的妈妈那里得到一个惊喜电话



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  1. Congratulations to Ellie Kemper and her husband Michael Koman on the birth of their first child! Its great to hear that her “never-ending hangover” is over and shes now a proud mother. The gender and name of the baby are still a mystery, but its exciting to know that Kemper and her husband kept it a surprise until the big day. Its also heartwarming to hear that they were given pink and blue balloons and other fun essentials for the babys safety. Kempers pregnancy was announced on “The Tonight Show” and its clear that her sense of humor and talent run in the family, as her mother even surprised her with a phone call. Best wishes to the whole family!

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