David Schwimmer的5岁女儿“喜欢”啤酒 – 但这有多安全?

David Schwimmer的5岁女儿“喜欢”啤酒 – 但这有多安全?

大卫施维默的5岁女儿克莱奥已经换了啤酒果汁盒,或者这位前“朋友”明星本周早些时候告诉“深夜”主持人赛斯迈耶斯 – 但是专家说是时候切掉克莱奥了.

Schwimmer在新的戏剧系列节目“饲养野兽”中饰演侍酒师,告诉迈耶斯,他通过饮用大量葡萄酒来为自己的角色做准备。当小克莱奥想要自己啜饮时,这位49岁的演员做了许多父母所做的事 – 他让她有品味.

大卫 Schwimmer
David Schwimmer于2016年1月16日星期六在加利福尼亚州帕萨迪纳的朗廷亨廷顿酒店及水疗中心抵达2016 FX冬季TCA.Rich Fury / AP



但是,当Cleo要求喝一杯爸爸的啤酒时,事情发生了变化 – 事实证明,这个小女孩已经尝到了啤酒的味道。.

“她 它,“Schwimmer告诉Meyers人群咆哮.Schwimmer说他有时会发现Cleo在半夜偷窃。”我很认真!如果我要喝啤酒,我必须看它,因为如果我转过身来,她就会把它拿走。“

佐伊 Buckman, Cleo Buckman Schwimmer, David Schwimmer
Zoe Buckman,左起,Cleo Buckman Schwimmer和David Schwimmer于2015年4月26日星期日在加利福尼亚州西好莱坞的John Varvatos精品店参加第12届John Varvatos Stuart House Benefit.Rich Fury / Invision / AP

育儿专家和TODAY展示Tastemaker博士Deborah Gilboa说,虽然许多妈妈和爸爸认为让他们的小孩品尝酒是无害的,但事实恰恰相反。.

“这似乎是常识 – 你不禁酒禁止。大多数味道都很糟糕,所以如果你让你的孩子尝试它并且你在那里,这似乎是正确的做法,这是父母所做的几代人,“Gilboa说,他是促进酒精责任基金会全国顾问委员会的成员.

相关:David Schwimmer谈到’喂养野兽’,’人民诉O.J.’




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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses the issue of allowing children to taste alcohol, which is a controversial topic. While some parents may think it is harmless, experts warn that it can lead to increased alcohol consumption in the future. It is important for parents to be aware of the potential risks and make informed decisions about their childrens exposure to alcohol.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or preference on the topic. However, I can provide a summary of the article. The article discusses how David Schwimmers 5-year-old daughter, Cleo, tasted beer and enjoyed it. Although many parents think it is harmless to let their children taste alcohol, experts say it is not a good idea. Studies show that children who are allowed to drink early are more likely to drink on their own before ninth grade and engage in drinking and binge drinking in high school. Therefore, it is important for parents to be aware of the risks and not allow their children to taste alcohol.

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