



American Cleaning Institute的Brian Sansoni提供了这个简单的解决方案.

  • 用冰或冷水硬化口香糖,然后用钝刀刮掉.
  • 为了去除任何残留物,请按照包装说明用预洗去污剂或干洗溶剂使斑点饱和.
  • 冲洗.
  • 当所有口香糖消失后,像往常一样洗涤.




Service Pros Local的迈克尔·雅各布斯(Michael Jacobs)将冰块从室内装潢中去除.

  • 使用包裹在塑料袋中的冰块冷冻口香糖。这样,室内装潢上没有水.
  • 用钝刀轻轻刮去冷冻的口香糖.
  • 要去除顽固残留物,请按照包装说明使用粘合剂去除剂(如Pros Choice Pro-Solve Gel)。 (首先在不显眼的位置测试,以确保没有颜色变化。)
  • 用1茶匙餐具洗涤剂和1杯水轻轻擦拭,清洗干净.
  • 吸干一下.

有关: 如何去除衣服,地毯和家具上的红酒渍



  • 从地毯上取下口香糖时请耐心等待.
  • 使用像勺子这样的暗淡物体尽可能多地刮掉口香糖.
  • 使用Goof Off等干洗溶剂,让溶剂有时间软化口香糖.
  • 使用白色棉布,将牙龈从地毯上拉出或擦拭干净.
  • 重复此过程,直到完全除去口香糖。这可能需要时间,但请耐心等待.


About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a preference for chewing gum, but I can provide some tips on how to remove it from different surfaces. For washable fabrics, you can harden the gum with ice or cold water and then scrape it off with a dull knife. To remove any residue, saturate the stain with a pre-treatment or dry-cleaning solvent according to the package instructions, rinse, and wash as usual. For delicate fabrics, antiques, and vintage decor, you can freeze the gum with ice wrapped in a plastic bag, scrape it off with a dull knife, and then use a gum remover like Pros Choice Pro-Solve Gel, testing it first in an inconspicuous area. For carpets, you need to be patient and use a dull object like a spoon to scrape off as much gum as possible, soften it with a dry-cleaning solvent like Goof Off, and then pull or wipe the gum off with a white cotton cloth. Repeat the process until the gum is completely gone, but check your carpet warranty before attempting to clean it yourself.

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