



圣诞 tree photo

据现任国家圣诞树协会季节性发言人的退休害虫管理专业人士Doug Hundley所说,圣诞树一直都有虫子。你还没注意到它们.

“圣诞树的昆虫很小,你永远不会知道它们在那里,而且它们一直都在真正的圣诞树上,”亨德利告诉今天的家。 “在极少数情况下,像普通蚜虫这样的特殊昆虫可能会从树上爬出来并被家人注意到,但这些都是无害的搭便车者。”


想要避免令人毛骨悚然的爬行者?大多数农场和公司在出售之前检查树木并彻底喷洒,但您可以采取一些额外的预防措施,以避免昆虫进入您的家中。健康和保健专家和作家Sophia Ruan Gushee建议在将树带到起居室之前大力摇晃树.

“把树放在车库里几天,然后把它放到室内,然后再在户外摇晃,”她告诉TODAY Home。 “在树周围抽真空来捕捉虫子和卵子,并经常检查树木。”



如果过敏是一个问题或您希望避免化学品,请注意喷洒的树木。 “在过去的10年里,我有真正的圣诞树,还没有注意到虫子。然而,我的女儿一旦在树枝上刷了一根树枝,就立刻爆发出红色的皮疹,这让我相信这棵树喷了杀虫剂。


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a native language, but I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    When it comes to Christmas trees, nothing is more authentic than a real one. Although some people prefer artificial trees (they say they are less messy), only a real tree provides a certain magic. Whats not so magical? Thinking about the bugs living on your Christmas tree. Worries about creepy crawlers in your spruce or fir may sound unreasonable, but those festive trees may have more critters than decorations. Before you bring your Christmas tree home, you should make sure its not filled with bugs. According to Doug Hundley, a retired pest management professional and current seasonal spokesperson for the National Christmas Tree Association, Christmas trees have always had bugs. “The insects on Christmas trees are very small, and youll never know theyre there, and theyve always been on real Christmas trees,” Hundley told TODAY Home. “In rare cases, special insects like aphids may crawl out of the tree and be noticed by family members, but these are harmless hitchhikers.” Hundley explains that Christmas trees, like any other household plant, will have some bugs here and there, and its completely natural. The most common insects that may be present in your Christmas tree are safe, non-invasive species such as aphids, spiders, mites, and bark beetles. Want to avoid creepy crawlers? Most farms and companies inspect trees and thoroughly spray them before selling, but you can take some extra precautions to keep bugs out of your home. Health and wellness expert and writer Sophia Ruan Gushee suggests shaking the tree vigorously before bringing it into the living room. “Leave the tree in the garage for a few days, then bring it indoors and shake it outside,” she told TODAY Home. “Vacuum around the tree to catch any bugs and eggs, and check the tree frequently.” If allergies are a concern or you want to avoid chemicals, pay attention to the sprayed trees. “In the past 10 years, Ive had a real Christmas tree and havent noticed any bugs. However, my daughter once broke out in a red rash immediately after brushing against a branch, which made me believe the tree was sprayed with insecticide. The bottom line? You cant guarantee your Christmas tree wont have some stragglers, but you shouldnt worry about anything harmful. And rest assured, professionals are taking precautions to make your Christmas

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