Le Creuset终于推出了价格实惠的炊具系列

Le Creuset终于推出了价格实惠的炊具系列


Le Creuset是臭名昭着的法国炊具品牌,由Julia Child,Ina Garten和Martha Stewart等厨师精心推出,推出了一款(相对)价格实惠的粉彩系列。新的Sorbet系列包括各种低于10​​0美元的冰淇淋碗,勺子,有盖炊具和马克杯.

单个Le Creuset荷兰烤箱售价300美元,所以低于100美元的任何东西实际上都是一笔交易.

乐 Creuset's new, affordable Sorbet Collection
Le Creuset的新款和实惠系列灵感来自冰糕.Le Creuset

但为什么它通常如此昂贵? Le Creuset的标志性炊具以耐用,色彩鲜艳的锅碗瓢盆而闻名,由铸铁制成,这种强力材料可用于炖煮,慢煮和烘烤,以保持一致的热量.


乐 Creuset's new, affordable Sorbet Collection
Le Creuset价格较低的Sorbet Collection包括冰淇淋碗和配套汤匙.Le Creuset

孩子着名的用铜锅和平底锅盖住了她的挂板厨房墙壁,但空间中最引人注目的一块是火热的橙色Le Creuset锅,它总是坐在燃气灶上。据“独立报”报道,她要感谢该品牌的受欢迎程度.

与Child’s相似的橙色荷兰烤箱的售价约为380美元。让人惊讶。如果您正在寻找更便宜的选择,我们喜欢Lodge的45美元型号。威廉姆斯索诺玛的Apilco Provencal砂锅菜也很不错(但不要把它放在炉子上).

如果您梦想Le Creuset,并正在寻找一种方法来照亮您的柜台,来自Sorbet系列的新厨房必备品提供魅力和功能.

Sorbet系列迷你Cocottes,4件套,80美元,Le Creuset



$ 80Le Creuset


Sorbet系列冰淇淋碗,4件套,60美元,Le Creuset


$ 60Le Creuset


Sorbet Collection Mugs,6件套,30美元,Le Creuset


$ 75Le Creuset


Sorbet Collection Teaspoons,6件套,30美元,Le Creuset


$ 30Le Creuset


About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the topic provided, it seems to be in Simplified Chinese. The article discusses the benefits of using Le Creuset cookware in the kitchen, particularly their new Sorbet Collection which offers affordable options for those who want to experience the brands quality without breaking the bank. The article also mentions the durability and versatility of Le Creusets signature cast iron cookware, which can be used for various cooking methods and can maintain consistent heat. Overall, the article provides useful information for those who are interested in investing in high-quality cookware for their kitchen.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the topic provided, it seems to be in Simplified Chinese. The article discusses the benefits of using Le Creuset cookware in the kitchen, particularly their new Sorbet Collection which offers affordable options for those who want to experience the brands quality without breaking the bank. The article also mentions the durability and versatility of Le Creusets signature cast iron cookware, which can be used for various cooking methods and can maintain consistent heat. Overall, the article provides useful information for those who are interested in investing in high-quality cookware for their kitchen.

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