我们在亚马逊上尝试了40K评论的床单 – 它们非常适合夏天使用

我们在亚马逊上尝试了40K评论的床单 – 它们非常适合夏天使用

现在是时候从法兰绒换成夏季床单了。如果你正在寻找新的一套,我们发现了一个很好的 – 这是一个讨价还价.



Mellani超细纤维床单套装,$ 25- $ 30,亚马逊



$ 30亚马逊

床 sheets
亲自看,这些纸张看起来与网上显示的颜色一致;他们是灰色的.Tracy Saelinger /今日


你知道一些床单是如何引人注目的吗?也许面料有点沙​​哑,或者它们大声沙沙作响。这些床单混合在床上,感觉像黄油 – 你甚至没有注意到它们在那里。或者,正如一位亚马逊评论家指出的那样,经过数月的使用,“它们如此令人难以置信的柔软,就像你睡在巨型小狗身上一样。”


Mellanni bed sheets
即使你的床上用品技巧不足,Mellanni床单也能保持光滑.Tracy Saelinger /今日




我在10英寸厚的大床垫上尝试过它们,而且深口袋很合身,没有聚拢或看起来过度伸展 – 而且它们留在原地。 (床单有双胞胎,双人XL,全套,女王,国王和加州王).

床 sheets
从枕头,到平整和合身的床单,这套保持凉爽和舒适.Tracy Saelinger /今日


我洗了几次床单。与我去年购买的一套几乎立即起床的套装不同,这些看起来仍然是全新的。此外,超细纤维材料经久耐用 – 不会太薄,也不会太厚.




床 sheets







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    Now is the time to switch from flannel to summer sheets. If you are looking for a new set, we found a good one – its a bargain. We stumbled upon the Mellanni microfiber sheet set on Amazon, priced from $25 to $30, and with over 40,000 reviews (and a 4.5-star rating), we had to try them. We were not disappointed. Mellanni microfiber sheet set, $25-$30, Amazon Todays editors, writers, and experts carefully recommend products we really like, and hope youll enjoy! You know, there is indeed an affiliate relationship today. So while each product is independently selected, if you buy a product through our links, we may get a small share of the revenue. Mellanni brushed microfiber sheet set $30 Amazon Personally, these sheets look the same color as shown online; they are gray. Tracy Saelinger / Today Sheets are crazy You know how some sheets are attention-grabbing? Maybe the fabric is a little scratchy, or they rustle loudly. These sheets blend into the bed, feeling like butter – you dont even notice theyre there. Or, as one Amazon reviewer pointed out, after months of use, “theyre so incredibly soft, its like sleeping on a giant puppy.” (Cant make that better myself.) Even if your bedding skills are lacking, Mellanni sheets stay smooth. Tracy Saelinger / Today They dont wrinkle Full disclosure: I dont iron! So I carefully followed the instructions to pull the sheets out of the dryer. They were almost perfectly smooth. They even stayed wrinkle-free overnight, looking great in the morning. They fit perfectly I tried them on a 10-inch thick mattress, and the deep pockets fit snugly, with no bunching or looking overly stretched – and they stayed in place. (Sheets come in twin, twin XL, full, queen, king, and California king.) From the pillowcases to the flat and fitted sheets, this set stays cool and comfortable. Tracy Saelinger / Today They are resistant to pilling Ive washed the sheets a few times. Unlike a set I bought last year that almost immediately pilled, these still look brand new. Plus, the microfiber material is durable – not too thin,

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