تحتفل فرقة "أيام حياتنا" بالذكرى الخمسين على اليوم 2023

تحتفل فرقة “أيام حياتنا” بالذكرى الخمسين على اليوم

“مثل الرمال عبر الساعة الرملية ، وكذلك أيام حياتنا ….”

لقد تغير الكثير في “أيام حياتنا” منذ بدايتها في 8 نوفمبر 1965 ، لكن تلك الخطوط الافتتاحية ظلت ثابتة. على مدار الـ 50 عامًا الماضية ، تحدثت “الأيام” عن كل قصة يمكن تخيلها ، من عمليات الخطف إلى الوفيات المزيفة إلى الحيازة الشيطانية – حيث أبقت ملايين المشاهدين على حافة مقاعدهم.

كل الأشياء “أيام حياتنا”! يعاد تجميعها في TODAY للاحتفال بالذكرى الخمسين


مع الذكرى الذهبية الكبيرة لأطول عرض على قناة NBC ، وصل ثمانية أعضاء أساسيين من فريق التمثيل يوم الثلاثاء لمساعدتنا في الاحتفاء بالغريب ، والأغبياء ، والحب والخسائر من جديد.!

أيام of Our Lives
كاثي لي جيفورد في “أيام حياتنا”.اليوم

ولكن أولاً: هل تعلم أن كاثي لي جيفورد حصلت على واحدة من أول فترات الراحة في 22 ، تظهر كممرضة في العرض؟ انها حقيقة! مقطع بث على TODAY ، وبعد ذلك قالت تكشفت ، “هذا هو أسوأ تمثيل رأيته في حياتي!”

بدت متشابهة إلى حد كبير ، رغم أن صوتها كان أكثر ليونة. اذا ماذا حصل؟ “الغزاة والويسكي والسجائر. والليالي المتأخرة” ، قالت مازحا.

في وقت لاحق ، شغل الاستوديو مع مجموعة من محبي “الأيام” الذين حصلوا على مشاهدة المفضلة لديهم (Deidre Hall ، و Galen Gering ، و Kristian Alfonso ، و Stephen Nichols ، و Lauren Koslow ، و Thaao Penghlis و Billy Flynn) حيث تم مقابلتهم من قبل Kathie Lee وهدى قطب.

عرض KLG لأول مرة بعنوان “أيام حياتنا”: “أسوأ تمثيل على الإطلاق!”


إليك بعض الأشياء التي تعلمناها:

  دواين "الصخرة" جونسون اسمه جاذبية الإنسان رجل على قيد الحياة

ما كانت القصة الأكثر جنونا للقوس الأمل?

وقال ألفونسو: “كانت حبات النوم هي الأمل عندما كانت تحمل علامات الرجال في سالم”. بالتاكيد!

شعر لورن متعدد الألوان هو هاجس هدى!

“لقد تطورت إلى ذلك. أعتقد أني قد حصلت عليه منذ خمس سنوات حتى الآن. لقد خرج من فترة صعوبة [شخصيتي] كيت”.

أيام of Our Lives
أعضاء فريق عمل “أيام حياتنا” يصابون بأقواس شخصية أحمق.اليوم

مسابقة سريعة: الجهات الفاعلة ، ورفع يديك إذا الطابع الخاص بك …

قتل شخص ما على العرض: 4 أيدي

اختطف: 4 يد

كان في غيبوبة: 6 اليدين

تم غسل دماغ: 5 اليدين

عاد من الموت: 2 يد

في الواقع ترفع: 1 يد (مرحبا إلى القاعة ، التي كانت مارلينا معروفة بامتلاكها!)

نحن لسنا متفاجئين على الإطلاق. عيد سعيد ، والعديد من “الأيام” القادمة!

تأكد من مشاهدة جميع مقاطع الفيديو للمزيد!

اتبع Randee Dawn على Google+ و Twitter.

About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can understand and translate the given text into different languages. Here is the translation of the text into English:

    “Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.” A lot has changed in “Days of Our Lives” since its beginning on November 8, 1965, but those opening lines remained constant. Over the past 50 years, “Days” has told every story imaginable, from kidnappings to fake deaths to demonic possession – keeping millions of viewers on the edge of their seats. All things “Days of Our Lives”! They are being reassembled on TODAY to celebrate the 50th anniversary. With the big golden anniversary of the longest-running show on NBC, eight core cast members arrived on Tuesday to help us celebrate the weird, the stupid, the love, and the losses all over again! Cathy Lee Gifford in “Days of Our Lives.” Today, but first: Did you know that Cathy Lee Gifford got one of her first breaks at 22, appearing as a nurse on the show? Its true! A clip aired on TODAY, and afterward, she revealed, “That was the worst acting Ive ever seen in my life!” She looked remarkably similar, though her voice was more subdued. So what happened? “Invaders and whiskey and cigarettes. And late nights,” she joked. Later, the studio was filled with a group of “Days” fans who got to see their favorites (Deidre Hall, Galen Gering, Kristian Alfonso, Stephen Nichols, Lauren Koslow, Thaao Penghlis, and Billy Flynn) interviewed by Kathie Lee and Hoda Kotb. KLGs first-ever “Days of Our Lives” viewing: “Worst acting ever!” Here are some things we learned: What was the craziest storyline for the Hope character? Alfonso said, “It was the sleeping pills being passed around when the men in Salem were marked.” Of course! Koslows multicolored hair was a Hoda obsession! “Its evolved to that. I think Ive had it for five years now. It came out of a rough period [for my character] Kate.” “Days of Our Lives” cast members get silly with character arcs. Todays quick contest: The actors, raise your hands if your character… Killed someone on

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can understand and translate the given text into different languages. Here is the translation of the text into English:

    “Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.” A lot has changed in “Days of Our Lives” since its beginning on November 8, 1965, but those opening lines remained constant. Over the past 50 years, “Days” has told every story imaginable, from kidnappings to fake deaths to demonic possession – keeping millions of viewers on the edge of their seats. All things “Days of Our Lives”! They are being reassembled on TODAY to celebrate the 50th anniversary. With the big golden anniversary of the longest-running show on NBC, eight core cast members arrived on Tuesday to help us celebrate the weird, the stupid, the love, and the losses all over again! Cathy Lee Gifford in “Days of Our Lives.” Today, but first: Did you know that Cathy Lee Gifford got one of her first breaks at 22, appearing as a nurse on the show? Its true! A clip aired on TODAY, and afterward, she revealed, “That was the worst acting Ive ever seen in my life!” She looked remarkably similar, though her voice was more subdued. So what happened? “Invaders and whiskey and cigarettes. And late nights,” she joked. Later, the studio was filled with a group of “Days” fans who got to see their favorites (Deidre Hall, Galen Gering, Kristian Alfonso, Stephen Nichols, Lauren Koslow, Thaao Penghlis, and Billy Flynn) interviewed by Kathie Lee and Hoda Kotb. KLGs first-ever “Days of Our Lives” show: “Worst acting ever!” Here are some things we learned: What was the craziest storyline for the Hope character? Alfonso said, “It was the sleeping pills being passed around when the men in Salem were marked.” Of course! Koslows multicolored hair is Hodas obsession! “Its evolved to that. I think Ive had it for about five years now. It came out of a tough period [for my character] Kate.” “Days of Our Lives” cast members get silly character arcs. Todays quick contest: The actors, raise your hands if your character… Killed someone on

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