الرجال اللطيفون ينتهون أولا مع لايتون ميستر

الرجال اللطيفون ينتهون أولا مع لايتون ميستر

يلعب Leighton Meester دورًا واحدًا من أكثر الشخصيات الاجتماعية الشريرة في Upper East Side في فيلم “Gossip Girl” ، وتعترف النجمة الصغيرة بأن جزءًا من شخصيتها موجود داخلها – وليست لحظات بلير والدورف النادرة الصادقة.

وقال ميستر لقضية كوزموبوليتان لشهر يونيو “الجانب الشرير من بلير في مكان ما بداخلي.” “إن تصرفاتها مثل العلاج. إنني أفعل أشياء لا يمكن لأحد أن يقولها أو يفعلها في الحياة الحقيقية. ”

قد يكون لدى الممثلة مجموعة شريرة من تلقاء نفسها ، ولكن عندما يتعلق الأمر بالرجال الذين تمددهم ، قال ميستر إن الرجال اللطيفين ينهون أولاً.

“أنا لست في الأولاد السيئين. أعتقد أن هذا المصطلح غبي. رجل يخدعك أو ليس لطيفًا معك؟ ما هذا؟ “قالت للمجلة. “في الوقت الحاضر ، أنا أكثر نضجا في العلاقات. أنا تركت من الثيران – ر. أعتقد أكثر عن صانعي الصفقات من قواطع الصفقات. أريد رجلًا يمكنني البحث عنه. ”

وهي تتطلع حاليًا إلى نجم “الملوك” سيباستيان ستان ، الذي يلعب أيضًا دور كارتر بايزن في فيلم “Gossip Girl”.

“لم أكن في الكثير من العلاقات ، لكني كنت في الحب. هناك كيمياء لا يمكن تفسيره أنت فقط حقا ، حقا تريد ، مثل ، التحديق في الشخص ، “قالت. “أنا لم أقع في الحب على الفور من الخفافيش. أخاف أن أقول ، “أنا أحبك” في وقت قريب جدا لأنه يعني الكثير. يعني أنك لا ترى نهاية للأشياء “.

ولكن بالنسبة للتقارير التي تحدثت عنها هي وستان سرا ، ذكرت كوزمو أنها أنكرت الشائعات.

أما بالنسبة لحياة ميستر التي تظهر على الشاشة ، فقد قالت الممثلة إنها سعيدة برومانسية شخصيتها مرة أخرى ومرة ​​أخرى مع تشاك باس ، الذي يلعبه إد وستويك.

“إنهم مثاليون للغاية لأنهم يتلاقون مع بعضهم البعض. تشاك تعرف عن وجهها العميق المظلم ويجده ساخنا. لكن أفضل جزء في علاقتهما هو أنها واقعية. الناس لا يؤرخون دائما لفترة من الوقت ثم يقعون في الحب ببطء. يبدأون بربط ليلة واحدة. يستغرق التعرف على شخص ما بعض الوقت ، ثم تدرك أنك تحب لاحقًا “.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can understand and translate the text provided.

    Leighton Meester plays one of the most notorious socialites in the Upper East Side in the movie “Gossip Girl,” and the young star admits that a part of her personality is present within her – not just rare moments of Blair and Dorfs honesty. Meester told Cosmopolitan for the June issue, “The evil side of Blair is somewhere inside of me.” “Her actions are like therapy. I do things that no one can say or do in real life.”

    The actress may have a wicked streak of her own, but when it comes to men she stretches, Meester said that nice guys finish first. “Im not into bad boys. I think that term is stupid. A man who cheats on you or isnt nice to you? Whats that?” she told the magazine. “Right now, Im more mature in relationships. Ive left the bulls – t behind. I think more about deal-makers than deal-breakers. I want a man I can look up to.”

    She is currently looking forward to “Kings” star Sebastian Stan, who also plays Carter Baizen in “Gossip Girl.” “I havent been in a lot of relationships, but Ive been in love. Theres an inexplicable chemistry that you just really, really want, like, staring at the person,” she said. “I didnt fall in love right off the bat. Im afraid to say, I love you too soon because it means so much. It means you dont see an end to things.”

    But as for reports that she and Stan were secretly dating, Cosmo mentioned that she denied the rumors.

    As for Meesters on-screen life, the actress said shes happy to see her characters romance again and again with Chuck Bass, played by Ed Westwick. “Theyre so perfect together because they clash with each other. Chuck knows about her deep, dark side and finds it hot. But the best part of their relationship is that its realistic. People dont always date for a while and then fall in love slowly. They start by hooking up one night. It takes some time to get to know someone, then you realize you love them later.”

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can understand and translate the text provided.

    Leighton Meester plays one of the most notorious socialites in the Upper East Side in the movie “Gossip Girl,” and the young star admits that a part of her personality is present within her – not just rare moments of Blair and Dorfs honesty. Meester told Cosmopolitan for the June issue, “The evil side of Blair is somewhere inside of me.” “Her actions are like therapy. I do things that no one can say or do in real life.”

    The actress may have a wicked streak of her own, but when it comes to men she stretches, Meester said that nice guys finish first. “Im not into bad boys. I think that term is stupid. A man who cheats on you or isnt nice to you? Whats that?” she told the magazine. “Right now, Im more mature in relationships. Ive left the bulls – t behind. I think more about deal-makers than deal-breakers. I want a man I can look up to.”

    She is currently looking forward to “Kings” star Sebastian Stan, who also plays Carter Baizen in “Gossip Girl.” “I havent been in a lot of relationships, but Ive been in love. Theres an inexplicable chemistry that you just really, really want, like, staring at the person,” she said. “I didnt fall in love right off the bat. Im afraid to say, I love you too soon because it means so much. It means you dont see an end to things.”

    But as for reports that she and Stan were secretly dating, Cosmo mentioned that she denied the rumors.

    As for Meesters on-screen life, the actress said shes happy to see her characters romance again and again with Chuck Bass, played by Ed Westwick. “Theyre so perfect together because they clash with each other. Chuck knows about her deep, dark side and finds it hot. But the best part of their relationship is that its realistic. People dont always date for a while and then fall in love slowly. They start by hooking up one night. It takes some time to get to know someone, then you realize you love them later.”

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