جون ماير ينفتح على سمعته: “أنا مدمن بالأنانية المستردة”

جون ماير ينفتح على سمعته: “أنا مدمن بالأنانية المستردة”

جون ماير فخور بالموسيقى التي جلبت له الشهرة. لكن الفائز بسبع جوائز جرامي لم يكن فخوراً بالطريقة التي تصرف بها عندما وجد نفسه في دائرة الضوء.

في مقابلة صريحة مع رونان فارو التي بثت يوم الجمعة ، افتتح رجل البلوز عن معركته مع سلوكه – بما في ذلك عاداته السابقة.

جون ماير: أنا لست من النساء


بعد سلسلة من العلاقات رفيعة المستوى ، بما في ذلك الرومانسية مع جيسيكا سيمبسون وجينيفر أنيستون ، بدا ماير متشوقًا للحديث عن شركائه في الصحافة. حتى إنه يعلم أنها لم تكن تبدو جيدة.

“لقد ذهبت ،” حسناً ، يا صاحبي ، قمت بمقابلات مع بعضكما حيث كنت بعيدة عنك وكنت تتحدثين عن لحم الخنزير ، وكنت تستريح بشكل أساسي في الرقص في نبات النتروجليسرين ، أليس كذلك؟ “.

عندما وجد نفسه يكتسب سمعة كطبيب نساء نتيجة لذلك ، عرف أنه بحاجة إلى تغيير عادته وأخباره. وفي النهاية ، لم يكن كل هذا قد تغير.


قلل ماير من طرق التواصل الاجتماعي ، و- لبعض الوقت – انخفض من تويتر تمامًا. بالنسبة له ، كانت تلك المقابلات القديمة وميله إلى تغريدات استفزازية شيء مشترك: غروره.

“أنا مدمن بالأنانية المستردة ، والطريقة الوحيدة التي أستطيع أن أجزم بها أنني لا أعود إلى الانتكاس هي الاعتراف بأنني دائمًا أتعامل مع هذا الإدمان – كل يوم”.

وبما أن ماير تتطلع إلى التعافي المتبقي ، فإنها تساعده أيضًا على الرجوع إلى ما كان عليه في السابق. في الواقع ، إذا التقى بأصغر سنا الآن ، فهو يعرف كيف سيجيب على ذلك.

“أود أن أقول ، هذا الرجل حقا ، موهوب حقا ، لكنني لا أريد أن أكون بالقرب منه عندما ينفجر هذا الشيء!” كان يتأمل.


شاهد المزيد من دردشة Farrow مع Mayer ، بالإضافة إلى مقابلات مع Judd Apatow و Carole King ، السبت في الساعة 12 ظهرا. على MSNBC.

اتبع ري هاينز على جوجل+.

تم نشر هذه المقالة في الأصل في 6 آذار 2015 في تمام الساعة 9:57 صباحًا بالتوقيت الشرقي.

About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    John Mayer is proud of the music that brought him fame. However, the winner of seven Grammy Awards was not proud of the way he behaved when he found himself in the spotlight. In a candid interview with Ronan Farrow that aired on Friday, the bluesman opened up about his battle with his behavior – including his past habits. After a series of high-profile relationships, including romances with Jessica Simpson and Jennifer Aniston, Mayer seemed eager to talk about his partners in the press. Even if he knew it didnt look good. “I went, well, buddy, Ive done interviews with both of you where you were away from me and you were talking about pork, and you were basically resting in the dance in nitroglycerin plant, right?” When he found himself gaining a reputation as a ladies man as a result, he knew he needed to change his habits and his story. And in the end, not all of it had changed. Today, Mayer has scaled back on social media, and – for a time – dropped off Twitter altogether. For him, those old interviews and his penchant for provocative tweets were something in common: his pride. “Im addicted to recovered selfishness, and the only way I can guarantee that I dont relapse is to admit that Im always dealing with this addiction – every day.” And as Mayer looks to remaining recovery, it also helps him get back to what he used to be. In fact, if he met someone younger now, he knows how he would respond. “Id like to say, this guy is really, really talented, but I dont want to be around him when this thing explodes!” he mused. Today, watch more of Farrows chat with Mayer, as well as interviews with Judd Apatow and Carole King, Saturday at noon on MSNBC. Follow Ree Hines on Google+. This article was originally published on March 6, 2015 at 9:57 a.m. Eastern Time.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    John Mayer is proud of the music that brought him fame. However, the winner of seven Grammy Awards was not proud of the way he behaved when he found himself in the spotlight. In a candid interview with Ronan Farrow that aired on Friday, the bluesman opened up about his battle with his behavior – including his past habits. After a series of high-profile relationships, including romances with Jessica Simpson and Jennifer Aniston, Mayer seemed eager to talk about his partners in the press. Even if he knew it didnt look good. “I went, well, buddy, Ive done interviews with both of you where you were away from me and you were talking about pork, and you were basically resting in the dance in nitroglycerin plant, right?” When he found himself gaining a reputation as a ladies man as a result, he knew he needed to change his habits and his story. And in the end, not all of it had changed. Today, Mayer has scaled back on social media, and – for a time – dropped off Twitter altogether. For him, those old interviews and his penchant for provocative tweets were something in common: his ego. “Im addicted to recovered selfishness, and the only way I can guarantee that I dont relapse is to admit that Im always dealing with this addiction – every day.” And as Mayer looks to remaining recovery, it also helps him get back to what he used to be. In fact, if he met someone younger now, he knows how he would respond. “Id like to say, this guy is really, really talented, but I dont want to be around him when this thing explodes!” he mused. Today, watch more of Farrows chat with Mayer, as well as interviews with Judd Apatow and Carole King, Saturday at noon on MSNBC. Follow Ree Hines on Google+. This article was originally published on March 6, 2015 at 9:57 a.m. Eastern Time.

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