


这位“30 Rock”明星独家采访了Matt Lauer,距离2014年6月7日撞毁沃尔玛的诉讼不到一周,该事件导致McNair死亡,并使Morgan因伤势过重而受伤.



Tracy Morgan:我在YouTube上看到了“每天都”崩溃




特雷西 Morgan speaks out for the first time since his accident
Tracy Morgan自从他的事故发生以来第一次向TODAY的Matt Lauer讲话.今天


“有些时候我会度过美好的一天和糟糕的日子,在那里我忘记了事情,”他说。 “有时我会头疼,鼻子会流血。我甚至不会让我的女士知道,因为我不想让她担心。“

摩根一再感谢帮助他康复的医务人员。他还感谢他的家人,工作人员和朋友,比如“30 Rock”的明星Tina Fey,他打电话来检查他.

“我一直在沮丧 – 他们保持精神状态,”他说.






KLG,Hoda感动Tracy Morgan的感激之情






“我喜欢喜剧。我永远不会停止爱她。我喜欢喜剧,我迫不及待想要回到她身边,但现在我的目标只是为了治愈并且变得更好,因为我还不是100%,我不是,“他说。 “当我在那里时,你会知道的。我会回来让你开怀大笑。我答应你。”

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Tracy Morgan broke his silence on Monday after a car accident nearly took his life and paid tribute to his late friend and mentor James McNair. The “30 Rock” star spoke exclusively to Matt Lauer less than a week before the lawsuit stemming from the June 7, 2014 crash at a Walmart was settled, which resulted in McNairs death and left Morgan injured. “The case is settled, but Jimmy Macs pain is always going to be here,” Morgan said in his first interview since the fatal accident. “Bones heal, but the loss of my friend will never heal.” Morgan and several friends were traveling in a luxury car on the New Jersey Turnpike when they were rear-ended by a Walmart truck. The comedian suffered a broken leg, broken ribs, and a severe brain injury, while McNair died in the crash. Two other passengers in the luxury car were also seriously injured. “I cant believe Im here. I cant believe Im in front of you,” he told Lauer, speaking clearly but often emotionally. “I cant believe Im just here, just seeing the tragedy that happened. It touches me.” Tracy Morgan spoke to TODAYs Matt Lauer for the first time since his accident. Morgan said he doesnt remember the accident when he sat down with Lauer today, using a cane to steady himself. Instead, he remembers waking up and seeing the faces of his fiancée and son. “Sometimes I have good days and bad days where I forget things,” he said. “Sometimes I have a headache, my nose starts to bleed. I dont even tell my lady because I dont want her to worry.” Morgan repeatedly thanked the medical staff who helped him recover. He also thanked his family, staff, and friends, such as “30 Rock” star Tina Fey, who called to check on him. “Ive been down – they keep my spirits up,” he said. Morgan said his last memory of McNair comes from their performance in Delaware on the night of the crash. He didnt regain consciousness until two weeks after the collision and learned of his friends death. He said he didnt feel the full impact of the tragedy until he got home and started watching YouTube videos about the accident and McNairs funeral. “I had to know what

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