Sophia Grace和Rosie(现在14岁和11岁!)送Ellen可爱的生日祝福

Sophia Grace和Rosie(现在14岁和11岁!)送Ellen可爱的生日祝福

索菲亚·格雷斯·布朗利(Sophia Grace Brownlee)和罗西·麦克莱兰(Rosie McClelland)在“The Ellen DeGeneres Show”作为孩子出现时,开始了他们的职业生涯。


在短片中,“Ellen”节目在Instagram上分享了周五,14岁的Sophia Grace和11岁的表弟Rosie甜甜地迎接主人.



2012 Teen Choice Awards - Backstage & Audience
Ellen DeGeneres与2012年青少年选择奖的英国儿童明星Rosie McClelland和Sophia Grace Brownlee合影。他们在DeGeneres的日间脱口秀节目中开始了他们的职业生涯.Kevin Mazur / WireImage

这位才华横溢的二人组合 – 他们继续录制音乐,电影明星,编写书籍,并以他们的肖像制作的唱歌娃娃 – 于2011年10月首次被邀请参加演出,此前Ellen看到了一段关于女孩的热闹YouTube视频, 8岁和5岁,包括说唱歌手Nicki Minaj的“超级低音”。


他们也有机会演出“超级低音” Minaj – 在他们可爱的生日问候中看到.



Hoda Kotb访问Ellen DeGeneres:看到亮点


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or culture. However, I can provide a comment in English on the topic:

    Sophia Grace Brownlee and Rosie McClellands appearance on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” as children marked the beginning of their careers. Its heartwarming to see the lovely British celebrities return to wish Ellen a happy 60th birthday and reminisce about their favorite memories. The talented duo continues to make music, star in movies, write books, and even have dolls made in their likeness. Its amazing to see how far theyve come since their viral YouTube video caught Ellens attention. Their sweet message to the host, “We love you, Ellen!” is a testament to the bond theyve formed over the years.

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