

“Roseanne”的明星已经结束了他们复兴的第一季 – 现在他们已经准备好与粉丝分享他们所有的蠢货!

ABC发布了一个充满滑倒,笑声和F炸弹的2 1/2分钟的热闹片段。这是对的 – 罗珊娜·巴尔,约翰·古德曼和康纳家族的其他人显然都精通诅咒词,尽管大多数人都因为好品味而被淘汰出局.


在那之后,演员的每一个成员都会发誓说一两句话(或两个)在他们自己咯咯地笑着 – 以及彼此 – 为了搞砸.

‘Roseanne’的明星Lecy Goranson和Michael Fishman透露了最喜欢的剧集




但没有人比可怜的Johnny Galecki和Sara Gilbert受苦。让我们说一下大卫爬过达琳的旧卧室窗户时的着名景象.


Laurie Metcalf:我们不得不在’Roseanne’重启中解决唐纳德特朗普的问题


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the topic, it seems to be in Mandarin Chinese. The article talks about the end of the first season of the revival of the TV show “Roseanne” and the release of a 2 1/2 minute clip full of slip-ups, laughter, and F-bombs. The article also mentions the favorite episodes of some of the shows stars and some funny moments during the filming. The second season of the show is set to return in the fall. Laurie Metcalf, one of the shows stars, also talks about addressing Donald Trumps presidency in the shows revival.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the topic, it seems to be in Mandarin Chinese. The article talks about the end of the first season of the revival of the TV show “Roseanne” and the release of a 2 1/2 minute clip full of slip-ups, laughter, and F-bombs. The article also mentions the favorite episodes of some of the shows stars and some funny moments during the filming. The second season of the show is set to return in the fall. Laurie Metcalf, one of the shows stars, also talks about addressing Donald Trumps presidency in the shows revival.

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