

图片: Alicia Goranson
Alicia Goranson在“Roseanne”上演了Becky五年,但最近才发现这个系列是如何结束的.今天

“Roseanne”明星Alicia Goranson可能在这个节目的九年演出中扮演了大女儿Becky,但是当她在倒数第二季的1996年离开时,她完全抛弃了这个系列。就像在,她甚至没有看过情景喜剧的最后一年,也不知道它是如何在几天前结束的.

“我不在场,我也没有见过它,”她告诉TODAY.com,同时在本月即将到来的25周年庆典上宣传WEtv的庆祝活动。 “(联合主演)迈克尔(菲什曼)早些时候说约翰的性格已经死了。我不知道发生了什么事!” 


“我觉得我在向Lecy投掷炸弹!”菲什曼笑了。 “你转身,你就像,’Whaaaat?!’ “

在节目的最后一集中,Roseanne(由喜剧演员Roseanne Barr扮演)向观众透露这个系列是基于她的书,并且她改变了一些“事实”。其中包括丈夫丹(由约翰古德曼扮演) – 孩子的父亲 – 在上个赛季实际上已经因心脏病发作而死亡,并且在系列赛中表现不佳.




在今年的“60分钟”采访中,玛吉·史密斯女士说,她从来没有看过“唐顿庄园”,她扮演的是鞭子聪明的唐氏伯爵夫人。尽管已经为这个角色赢得了多个奖项,但她解释说,看到她的作品“令人沮丧”。 “我总是看到我想做的事情。”

多米尼克·莫纳汉(Dominic Monaghan)在“迷失”(Lost)中扮演查理(Charlie),是另一个传承观看他的节目系列结局的人。他向HuffPost Live解释说他当时没有观看2010年的剧集,因为他正在制作另一个项目并且不想再次成为角色。至于还没检查出来?他说:“我必须一路回到第一季,只是再次自杀。”.

但他不是唯一一个传承观看戏剧的“失落”的校友。明星Matthew Fox和Naveen Andrews也从未见过这个节目。 “我真的不看自己,”福克斯告诉新闻周刊。联合主演安德鲁斯在接受英国电视采访时表示,“我看到了这位飞行员……但我从来没有看过一集”失落“。 “

另一个明星不一定收听的热门剧集是“美国恐怖故事”。艾美奖获得者杰西卡兰格告诉金德比,她只看到了这两个赛季的第一集。 “大多数情况下,我从不看任何我做过的事情,”她说。在节目的第一季,康妮布里顿也离开了,但她的推理有点不同。 “我太害怕了。我太害怕了,”这位女演员告诉StarCam这部幽灵剧.


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the topic, it seems to be related to the American TV series “Roseanne” and the actors reactions to the shows ending. It is interesting to see how some actors who starred in popular TV shows have not watched the series finale. It shows that even though they were part of the show, they may not have the same level of attachment or interest in the shows ending as the audience. It also highlights the fact that actors may have different reasons for not watching the show, such as fear or being busy with other projects. Overall, it is fascinating to see how actors perspectives on their own work can vary.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the topic, it seems to be related to the American TV series “Roseanne” and the actors reactions to the shows ending. It is interesting to see how some actors who played major roles in popular TV shows did not watch the series finale. It shows that even though they were part of the show, they were not necessarily invested in it as viewers. It also highlights the different reasons why actors may choose not to watch their own work, such as fear or being too busy with other projects. Overall, it is fascinating to see how actors perspectives on their own work can vary.

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