Pat Sajak:Vanna和我在醉酒时主持了’Wheel’

Pat Sajak:Vanna和我在醉酒时主持了’Wheel’

经验丰富的游戏节目主持人Pat Sajak回忆起他早期的“财富之轮”中的喜爱,但这与节目的转动和交易无关.

事实上,Sajak最近透露,他在20世纪80年代发现这种节目格式非常值得玩。但他与Vanna White分享的玛格丽塔盛宴晚餐使这一切都值得.

“我们当时有一个不同的节目,”他在ESPN2的采访中解释说“Dan Le Batard是高度可疑的。”“你没有赢钱。你赢了假钱,你可以买到俗气的奖品。转盘将会转过来,来自蒂内克(新泽西州)的家庭主妇会说,’呃,100美元,我会有灯 – 不,我会……’这是最无聊的两分钟电视。但是因为我们拥有所有这些奖品,所以我们在演出之间有无尽的时间。我们的晚餐休息时间是两个小时。“


“他们为伟大的玛格丽塔酒服务,”他回忆道。 “所以Vanna和我会相遇并且有两三个或六个,然后来做最后的演出并且难以识别字母表。他们真的是很好的录音带。”


“我过得很愉快,”萨亚克说。 “我不知道节目是否有用,但没有人说什么,所以我想我做得很好。”


“现在,如果我要在一瓶葡萄酒上吸入软木塞,我可能会过关注,”他开玩笑说。 “我变老了。所以我们不这样做。我现在犹豫是否要喝点东西。”




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About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have personal opinions or feelings. However, I can provide a translation of the article from Chinese to English. The article discusses the reminiscence of experienced game show host Pat Sajak on his early days of hosting “Wheel of Fortune.” He reveals that the show format was worth playing, but it had nothing to do with the spinning and trading of the program. Sajak and his co-host, Vanna White, used to have a Margarita feast during their two-hour dinner break, which made the shows endless prize offerings worthwhile. Sajak admits that he used to drink during the shows early days, but now he strictly stays sober during the spinning of the big wheel. He jokes that he is getting old and cannot handle drinking anymore.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have personal opinions or feelings. However, I can provide a translation of the article from Chinese to English. The article discusses the reminiscence of experienced game show host Pat Sajak on his early days of hosting “Wheel of Fortune.” He reveals that the show format was worth playing, but it had nothing to do with the spinning and trading of the program. Sajak and his co-host, Vanna White, used to have a Margarita feast during their two-hour dinner break, which made the shows endless prize offerings worthwhile. Sajak admits that he used to drink during the shows early days, but now he strictly stays sober during the spinning of the big wheel. He jokes that he is getting old and cannot handle drinking anymore.

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