比利水晶透露背后的秘密’我会拥有她的东西 有’场景

比利水晶透露背后的秘密’我会拥有她的东西 有’场景

这是1989年“当哈利遇见莎莉”时最令人难忘的一幕 – 哎呀,这是有史以来最难忘的场景之一 – 但很少有粉丝知道“我会拥有她所拥有的”背后的真正背后的那一刻看到梅格瑞恩提供了一个非常公开和非常假的高潮 – 直到现在.

星期一早上,演员喜剧演员比利·克里斯特(Billy Crystal)今天访问了该剧,并透露了这一切是怎么发生的.



“它开始于排练,Nora Ephron,谁是如此伟大,对Rob(Reiner)说,’你知道,女人假的高潮,’”Crystal回忆道。 “他曾经,感到震惊 – ‘好吧,他们并没有假装一个人!’”


“在排练中,梅格说,’我应该假装一个。我应该在公共场所假装它,’我说,’是的,就像一个有很多人的餐馆,”Crystal解释道。 “她说,’我会给一个巨大的。’我说,’然后应该有一位年长的女士说,’服务员,我会拥有她拥有的东西。’“


“梅格有点紧张,所以第一次高潮……所以,”他说。 “第二个就像你结婚12年。然后Rob说,’我希望你这样做。就像这样。’他坐在我对面 – 所以现在看起来我正和他或塞巴斯蒂安卡博特约会 – 他有一个金刚会嫉妒的高潮。


“所以他完成了这件巨大的事情,额外的鼓掌,他把我拉到一边去,’我不应该这样做。’”水晶记得。 “我说,’不,梅格很好。’”



Crystal在他的新回忆录“Still Foolin”Em”中分享了更多的屏幕和屏幕外花絮,这些回忆录于9月10日上架.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or preference on any topic. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    “This is one of the most unforgettable scenes in 1989s When Harry Met Sally – oh, this is one of the most unforgettable scenes in history – but few fans know the real moment behind Ill have what shes having when Meg Ryan provided a very public and very fake climax – until now. On Monday morning, actor and comedian Billy Crystal visited the show and revealed how it all happened. Billy Crystal: I feel great at 65 Sep.09.201307:10 It started in rehearsal, Nora Ephron, who was so great, said to Rob (Reiner), You know, women fake orgasms, Crystal recalled. He was shocked – Well, they dont fake it with me! But Reiners incredible reaction didnt stop the films leading edge. In rehearsal, Meg said, I should fake one. I should fake it in a public place, I said, Yes, like a restaurant with a lot of people, Crystal explained. She said, Ill have a big one. I said, Then there should be an older woman who says, Ill have what shes having. Of course, thats exactly why it happened. Well, eventually. Meg was a little nervous, so the first orgasm… so, he said. The second one was like youve been married for 12 years. Then Rob said, I want you to do it like this. Just like this. He sat across from me – so now it looks like Im dating him or Sebastian Cabot – he had an orgasm that King Kong would be jealous of. Reiner put it in front of the stars, as well as the extras on the extras, including the woman who now famously responds, Ill have what shes having. So he did this huge thing, extra applause, he pulled me aside, I shouldnt have done that. Crystal remembers. I said, No, Meg was great. But the director wasnt worried about Ryan. He was more concerned about that unforgettable extra content, also known as his mother. I just had an orgasm in front of my mother, Reiner complained. Crystal shares more on-screen and off-screen anecdotes in his new memoir

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