Neil Diamond透露,“甜蜜的卡罗琳”不仅仅是肯尼迪的女儿

Neil Diamond透露,“甜蜜的卡罗琳”不仅仅是肯尼迪的女儿

星期一早上天都广场冷吗?根据温度计它本来应该 – 但是现在Neil Diamond和唱着经典的“甜卡罗琳”,事情不可能变暖了.

但猜猜怎么了?尽管人们普遍认为1969年的热门歌曲是关于Caroline Kennedy(已故总统John F. Kennedy和Jacqueline Kennedy的女儿),但Diamond解释说这只是部分真实. 

他知道年轻的肯尼迪小姐,但是说:“我正在田纳西州的孟菲斯写一首歌。我需要一个三音节的名字。这首歌是关于我当时的妻子 – 她的名字是玛莎 – 和我无法得到’Marsha’押韵。“


Diamond是摇滚界的经典之作:他在五十多年的职业生涯中销售了超过1.25亿张专辑,他是格莱美奖得主和Rock’N’Roll Hall of Famer。而现在他将在六年内发行他的第一张专辑“Melody Road”,所以他想与他的粉丝分享一些新的音乐(如“Something Blue”).

他后来承认,这并不容易让它变得容易。 “这张新专辑让我感到紧张,”他说。 “我有40年或近50年的歌曲创作,以配合。”

但是,任何具有这种职业的人显然都在做正确的事情。 “我喜欢长时间待在身边,”他轻笑道。 “当我开始时,职业生涯是三个月,一个记录。所以我很高兴来到这里,人们仍然知道我是谁。”

在Google+和Twitter上关注Randee Dawn. 

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a preference for any language. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English:

    “Is Tianfu Square cold on Monday morning? According to the thermometer, it should be – but now Neil Diamond is singing the classic “Sweet Caroline”, so things cant get any warmer. But guess what? Although people generally believe that the popular song in 1969 is about Caroline Kennedy (the late President John F. Kennedy and Jacqueline Kennedys daughter), Diamond explains that this is only partly true. He knew the young Miss Kennedy, but said: “I was writing a song in Memphis, Tennessee. I needed a three-syllable name. This song is about my wife at the time – her name was Marsha – and I couldnt get Marsha to rhyme.” Enter “Caroline”! Diamond is a classic in the rock world: he has sold over 125 million albums in his more than 50-year career, he is a Grammy winner and a RockNRoll Hall of Famer. And now he will release his first album “Melody Road” in six years, so he wants to share some new music with his fans (such as “Something Blue”). He later admitted that it wasnt easy to make it easy. “This new album makes me nervous,” he said. “I have 40 or nearly 50 years of songwriting to match.” Today + display + sound + check! + Hello + NYC! + – +Neil+Diamond+(@ NeilDiamond)+October+20,+2014+ But anyone with this profession is obviously doing the right thing. “I like to stay around for a long time,” he chuckled. “When I started, the career was three months, one record. So Im glad to be here, and people still know who I am.” Follow Randee Dawn on Google+ and Twitter.”

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