

Jerry Maren在1939年的经典作品“绿野仙踪”中扮演了一个munchkin,已经去世了。他是这部电影中最后一部幸存的munchkin,现年98岁.

图片: Jerry Maren
Jerry Maren于2009年在纽约参加“绿野仙踪”70周年庆典. 美联社


这位身高4英尺3英寸的演员扮演了一个坚韧的棒棒糖公会成员,他将多萝西的超大棒棒糖交给了电影。他是影片中出现时人数最多的小人物:2009年,镇上的克里普尔死于89岁; “花盆”munchkin玛格丽特佩莱格里尼于2013年去世,享年89岁;最后一位女性munchkin露丝罗宾逊Duccini于2014年去世,享年95岁.

马伦是他的舞台名称;他于1920年1月24日出生在波士顿的Gerard Marenghi。他是10个家庭中最小的,也是唯一的小人物。在歌舞杂耍工作之后,他回应米高梅的电话“Oz”并转移到好莱坞。在第二次世界大战期间,他为USO巡回演出的受伤士兵表演.

杰瑞 Maren presents Judy Garland with a lollipop in the film 'The Wizard of Oz.'
我们欢迎您来到Munchkin Land:Jerry Maren在“绿野仙踪”中为Dorothy(Judy Garland)提供礼仪棒棒糖。Hulton档案/盖蒂图片社

“杰瑞有时候是一个古怪的小家伙,”传记作者斯蒂芬考克斯撰写了文章“简短而甜蜜:棒棒糖芒奇金的生活和时代”以及“奥兹的芒奇金斯”。 “他非常慷慨,特别是与其他小人物。他希望看到他们成功并保持漂浮,他不想听到他的朋友们处于危机之中。”

马伦是好莱坞的开拓者,帮助创立了美国小人物。他继续出现在近100部其他电影和广告中,扮演麦当劳市长McCheese和汉堡拉。他甚至在“Seinfeld的”“Yada Yada”剧集中有过短暂的一部分.


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or sentiment. However, I can provide a comment on the topic in the appropriate language:

    Jerry Maren, who played a munchkin in the classic 1939 film “The Wizard of Oz,” has passed away at the age of 98. He was the last surviving munchkin from the film. Maren played a resilient member of the Lollipop Guild who handed Dorothy (Judy Garland) her oversized lollipop. He was a pioneer in Hollywood, helping to establish the American dwarf community. Maren continued to appear in nearly 100 other films and commercials, playing characters such as Mayor McCheese and Hamburglar for McDonalds. He will be remembered for his contributions to the film industry and his generosity towards his fellow little people.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or sentiment. However, I can provide a comment on the topic in the appropriate language:

    Jerry Maren, who played a munchkin in the classic 1939 film “The Wizard of Oz,” has passed away at the age of 98. He was the last surviving munchkin from the film. Maren played a resilient member of the Lollipop Guild who handed Dorothy (Judy Garland) her oversized lollipop. He was a pioneer in Hollywood, helping to establish the American dwarf community. Maren continued to appear in nearly 100 other films and commercials, playing characters such as Mayor McCheese and Hamburglar for McDonalds. He will be remembered for his contributions to the film industry and his generosity towards his fellow little people.

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