莫妮卡还是瑞秋? Matt LeBlanc回答了最终的“朋友”问题

莫妮卡还是瑞秋? Matt LeBlanc回答了最终的“朋友”问题

Lady Gaga是周二晚上“深夜秀”的礼物。她不仅用史诗般的Carpool卡拉OK作品杀戮,还在节目中再创佳绩 – 马特勒布朗回答最终“朋友”问题.


雷切尔 Green, Monica Geller
雷切尔还是莫妮卡?对于这个问题,Matt LeBlanc会让Jo​​ey感到自豪. NBC



“我会给我一些菲比,”他点头道。然后他把所有Phoebe球迷都弄清楚了 – “她非常顽固。”

马特 LeBlanc, Lisa Kudrow


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事实上,LeBlanc和联合主演的丽莎·库卓(Lisa Kudrow)在演出期间正式扎根于乔伊 – 菲比(Joey-Phoebe)的浪漫 – 或者至少是一次有趣的狂欢.

“最终,我们实际上认为Joey和Phoebe一直在进行随意的性行为,”LeBlanc去年在接受“人物”杂志采访时解释道。 “我们会回去拍摄所有的历史场景,就在每个人都认识到的那一刻之前,乔伊和菲比一起从扫帚壁橱里出来。但是(那些力量)就像是,’不。’”



关注Ree Hines 推特.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the topic, it appears to be written in Simplified Chinese. The article discusses Lady Gagas appearance on a talk show and her performance of Carpool Karaoke. It also mentions Matt LeBlancs response to a question about which character he would choose from the TV show Friends. LeBlancs answer was Phoebe, which he described as being stubborn. The article also mentions LeBlancs and Lisa Kudrows characters, Joey and Phoebe, and their rumored romantic relationship.

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