Mariah Carey:参加“美国偶像”是“我生命中最糟糕的体验”

Mariah Carey:参加“美国偶像”是“我生命中最糟糕的体验”


Mariah Carey:“偶像”是“我生命中最糟糕的体验”


在被问到“凯尔和成龙广播节目”时,她是否会回到明年的系列剧集,她的回答是明确的:“天啊,不!”她说。 “那是我生命中最糟糕的经历。”

玛丽亚 Carey called American Idol the worst experience of her life


但她说,尽管你可能还记得那个季节的所有炒作,但她对节目的厌恶并不是源于她与法官和音乐家Nicki Minaj的谣言。 “我不打算进入原来的状态,但我只想说,我认为他们没有任何意图让我们在这个节目中有一个很好的体验。”

玛丽亚 Carey called American Idol the worst experience of her life
Mariah Carey,Randy Jackson和Nicki Minaj饰演“美国偶像”。凯文温特/盖蒂图片社

“让两个女性互相攻击并不是很酷。这应该是关于参赛者而不是一些不存在的不和,这变得更加荒谬,”她补充道。 “我再也不想参与其中了。”



Nicki Minaj,Mariah Carey退出“美国偶像”


凯莉在“偶像”上度过了一段可怕的时光并不奇怪。她在2013年的另一个广播节目中说了类似的话。“老实说,我讨厌它,”她说。 “它就像 地狱. 每天和撒旦一起上班。“

视频:Paula Abdul对“美国偶像”的结局感到“忧郁”


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About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article is written in Chinese and discusses Mariah Careys negative experience as a judge on the American Idol show in 2013. She expressed her dislike for the show and stated that it was the worst experience of her life. She also mentioned that the shows focus should be on the contestants rather than creating drama between judges. Careys comments were made during a radio program in Australia.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article is written in Chinese and discusses Mariah Careys negative experience as a judge on the American Idol show in 2013. She expressed her dislike for the show and stated that it was the worst experience of her life. She also mentioned that the shows focus should be on the contestants rather than creating drama between judges. Careys comments were made during a radio program in Australia.

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