Luann de Lesseps与前夫一起庆祝6个月的清醒 – 见照片

Luann de Lesseps与前夫一起庆祝6个月的清醒 – 见照片

去年,Luann de Lesseps向她的粉丝们保证,在12月因几起涉嫌违法行为(包括无序醉酒)被捕后,她“致力于改变和充满希望的2023年” – 她一直保持着她的话语.


“有史以来最伟大的重逢!” de Lesseps写了一张她和她的第一任丈夫亚历山大·德莱塞普斯伯爵的照片。 “与孩子们和伯爵一起度过周末真是太棒了。”

这位前伯爵夫人与她在2009年离婚的前夫分享了两个孩子,她解释说她也在“算上”她的祝福。 “庆祝6个月的清醒!”

Luann de Lesseps, Hamptons, Real Housewives
Luann de Lesseps于2023年5月21日在纽约市参加Netflix的“Ibiza”首映式.Monica Schipper / Getty Images

真人秀电视明星2023年的逮捕发生在棕榈滩,仅仅一年后,她与第二任丈夫汤姆·德阿戈斯蒂诺结婚 – 仅仅四个月后,他们分道扬…


纽约真正的家庭主妇今晚访问了Megyn Kelly


现在所有这一切都落后于她 – 除了一个仍在前面的法庭约会 – de Lesseps感谢重新开始并期待一个愉快的假期.


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or a preferred language to use. However, I can provide a translation of the text in different languages upon request.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or a preferred language to write in. However, based on the content of the article, it appears to be written in Chinese. The article discusses Luann de Lesseps, a reality TV star who was arrested last year for several alleged illegal activities, including disorderly intoxication. She promised her fans that she was committed to changing and having a hopeful 2018. Recently, she celebrated six months of sobriety and shared a photo with her ex-husband and children on Instagram. She expressed gratitude and excitement for the upcoming holiday.

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