前“单身汉”明星Juan Pablo Galavis与电视主持人Osmariel Villalobos结婚

前“单身汉”明星Juan Pablo Galavis与电视主持人Osmariel Villalobos结婚

前“单身汉”明星Juan Pablo Galavis最终在屏幕上找到了他的真爱,周末与委内瑞拉电视台主持人Osmariel Villalobos结婚.

这位36岁的加拉维斯在29岁的比利亚洛沃斯(Villalobos)与朋友和家人的私人聚会前在迈阿密结婚。嗯,并非完全私密:Villalobos在她令人惊艳的白色Alejandro Fajardo礼服上张贴了一些自己的照片,感谢那些秘密与她合作的人“让这个梦想成真”。





主持人克里斯·哈里森(Chris Harrison)在周一晚上的“单身女郎”(Bachelorette)结局中向更大的观众宣布了他们的婚姻。

在2014年“The Bachelor”第18季结束时,Galavis授予Nikki Ferrell他最后的玫瑰,但他决定不提议。两人在那年晚些时候分手之前继续他们的关系.

Galavis与Ferrell于2014年在“The Bachelor”中合作.Rick Rowell / ABC通过Getty Images

加拉维斯去年夏天开始与Villalobos约会 – 这个关系是在这位前足球明星发布了一则调情评论后发表的一则关于美女王与她的侄子共舞的Instagram视频的评论.




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  1. Congratulations to Juan Pablo Galavis and Osmariel Villalobos on their recent marriage! Its heartwarming to see the former “Bachelor” star find his true love and tie the knot with the Venezuelan TV host. The wedding may not have been completely private, as Villalobos shared some photos on her stunning Alejandro Fajardo wedding dress on Instagram, thanking those who helped make her dream come true. Galavis also shared some snapshots on his Instagram account, showing his happiness on his special day. Its great to see that their relationship started from a simple Instagram comment and private message exchange. Best wishes to the newlyweds!

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