Jenna Fischer在“办公室”的第一天分享了惊人的复古照片

Jenna Fischer在“办公室”的第一天分享了惊人的复古照片



在整个演出期间扮演Pam ​​Beesly的明星Jenna Fischer星期四在Instagram上发布了一张惊人的复古照片。标题说这是演员的第一天,他们正准备阅读剧本的表格.



Jenna Fischer(@msjennafischer)分享的帖子

男孩,每个人看起来都那么新鲜面孔和年轻!我们发现(左起):David Denman(Roy),B.J。Novak(Ryan),John Krasinski(Jim),Fischer,Rainn Wilson(Dwight),Steve Carell(迈克尔)和Phyllis Smith(Phyllis).

如果罗伊没有立刻震撼你的记忆,那么当节目开始时他就和Pam订婚了 – 但显然她的命运是与另一个“办公室” – 同事,吉姆.

该 Office cast photo


“这与吉姆对帕姆所说的任何事情一样甜蜜,可爱和支持,”她补充道。 “我笑得很开心,并且说,’我很高兴你这么说,因为你是我最喜欢的吉姆,除了你,我认为没有人能做到。’”


John Krasinski暗示可能重新启动’The Office’


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion, but I can provide a translation of the text in English:

    Its hard to believe that “The Office” has been off the air for five years. But whats even more unbelievable is that the cast of the show that aired on NBC from 2005 to 2013 looked like they were already together on the first day! On Thursday, Jenna Fischer, who played Pam Beesly throughout the show, posted a stunning retro photo on Instagram. The caption said it was the actors first day, and they were getting ready to read the script. Boy, everyone looks so fresh-faced and young! We see (from left): David Denman (Roy), B.J. Novak (Ryan), John Krasinski (Jim), Fischer, Rainn Wilson (Dwight), Steve Carell (Michael), and Phyllis Smith (Phyllis). If Roy didnt immediately shock your memory, he was engaged to Pam when the show started – but obviously her fate was with another “Office” colleague, Jim. Fischer obviously has very fond memories of the show. In her 2017 book “The Actors Life: A Survival Guide,” she wrote, “John and I walked out of our audition together, and he turned to me and whispered, Youre my favorite Pam. I hope you get this job. It was exactly as sweet and supportive as anything Jim would say to Pam,” she added. “I laughed and said, Im glad you said that because youre my favorite Jim, besides you, I dont think anyone else could do it.” Looking back at this photo, we completely agree.

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