J.Lo与Tyler Posey在’曼哈顿女佣’看自己:’甜蜜’

J.Lo与Tyler Posey在’曼哈顿女佣’看自己:’甜蜜’


詹妮弗 Lopez in 2002's
詹妮弗洛佩兹在2002年的“曼哈顿女佣”。(C)Columbia / Courtesy Everett Collection


更多:Jennifer Lopez打开了关于“偶像”,在46岁时找到了爱情并且看起来完美无瑕

此外,有一个可爱的青春期前的泰勒波西作为她的儿子在电影中的视线; Posey现年25岁,目前主演MTV的“青少年狼”。


泰勒 Posey in Maid in Manhattan and in 2016

更多:Jennifer Lopez与双胞胎Max和Emme谈话:’他们让我的生活更美好’

显然,波西对这部电影也有美好的回忆。 2014年,他主持了青少年选择奖,并与Lopez在舞台上开玩笑说,“我知道自从’曼哈顿女佣’以来我们没有见过对方,这是永远的,但我想如果你需要一个替补舞者,我可能“你觉得怎么样?”

詹妮弗 Lopez and Tyler Posey
Lopez和Posey在洛杉矶2014年青少年选择奖重聚. 凯文温特/盖蒂图片社


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the topic, it appears to be written in Chinese. The topic discusses how Jennifer Lopez was unexpectedly drawn into the movie “Maid in Manhattan” and how she shared her memories of the film on Twitter. It also mentions Tyler Posey, who played her son in the movie, and how he also has fond memories of the film. Overall, it seems like a nostalgic and heartwarming topic.

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