Gwen Stefani喜欢这个m鱼!看她的老式Blake Shelton Twitter个人资料照片

Gwen Stefani喜欢这个m鱼!看她的老式Blake Shelton Twitter个人资料照片


和女朋友Gwen Stefani不会让他忘记它!



相关:布莱克谢尔顿打开了爱情和失落:Gwen Stefani“拯救了我的生命”

热闹的剪裁并不是谢尔顿的最佳表现 – 而且他知道这一点.

布莱克 Shelton


“我的意思是,这太荒谬了,”他说。 “为什么我的家人或朋友或某人不告诉我我看起来多么愚蠢?”

Blake Shelton:Gwen Stefani完成了“前进并打破我的心”


Anchor Al Roker竭尽全力向Shelton保证,“当时看起来很酷。”但“声音”明星并没有购买它.

“那段时间看起来很酷,Al?!”他回击了一下。 “你在说什么?”

相关:观看Blake Shelton,Gwen Stefani和她的儿子们在史诗般的假日舞蹈中

他还说,“那时我的生活中没有女孩 – 我可以向你保证。”

当然,这个问题 – 以及那些长而丑陋的锁 – 现在已经远远落后于他了.

布莱克 Shelton and Gwen Stefani
Blake Shelton和Gwen Stefani将于2016年11月14日在加利福尼亚好莱坞的Paley参加2016年度魅力女性晚宴.盖蒂图片

About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses the career and personal life of Blake Shelton, a popular coach in a singing competition and a country singer with 9 CMA awards. The article also mentions his relationship with Gwen Stefani, who recently changed her Twitter profile picture to a vintage photo of Shelton. The article also talks about Sheltons past hairstyle choices and how he now looks back on them with humor. Overall, the article provides insight into Sheltons life and relationships.

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