Cindy Williams揭示了她离开’Laverne&Shirley’的真正原因

Cindy Williams揭示了她离开’Laverne&Shirley’的真正原因


这只是威廉姆斯在她的新书“Shirley,I Jest”中记录的娱乐故事之一,她在周二的时候停下来提供更多细节.

‘Laverne&Shirley’明星Cindy Williams回忆录



“我以为我会回来,他们会在长凳,沙发,枕头后面隐藏[我的婴儿磕碰],这不是它,”她告诉今天的Savannah Guthrie.

辛迪 Williams speaks to Savannah Guthrie on TODAY about her acting career and writing her memoir
辛迪威廉姆斯今天与Savannah Guthrie谈论她的演艺事业并撰写她的回忆录.今天


“当我到那个时候签署我的合同时,他们让我在我的截止日期工作,生下我的孩子,”她透露道。 “我说,’你知道,我不能签这个。’它来回走来走去,它从来没有得到解决。“

一个 photo from the set of
Penny Marshall和Cindy Williams在一集“Laverne&Shirley”中。CBS电视工作室

所以合作演员Penny Marshall在没有她的情况下结束了“L&S”。但正如威廉姆斯解释的那样,如果没有马歇尔,可能根本就没有跑步.


一个 photo from the set of

“[佩妮]继续说,’我认为我们应该这样做’,”威廉姆斯回忆道。 “我只是说,’我不知道。’ ……回想起来,这真是太愚蠢了。“


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the article, it appears to be written in Chinese. The article discusses Cindy Williams departure from the iconic sitcom “Laverne & Shirley” 33 years ago and her reasons for leaving. Williams reveals in her new book “Shirley, I Jest” that she left the show in 1982, the same year she got married and had her first child. She explains that she thought she would come back to the show, but the production schedule did not allow for her to balance work and motherhood. Williams also discusses her initial doubts about the show and how her co-star Penny Marshall convinced her to take the role. The article provides a link to a full interview with Williams and more information about her book.

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