Chrissy Metz戏弄’This Is Us’婚礼结局:’有一点扭曲’

Chrissy Metz戏弄’This Is Us’婚礼结局:’有一点扭曲’

警告:此帖子包含“This Is Us”剧透。如果您还没有看过本周的剧集,请继续阅读!

星期二的剧集“This Is Us”发现Pearson团伙在拉斯维加斯大肆宣传,Kate和Toby在单身女郎和单身派对上庆祝即将举行的婚礼。但罪恶之城的冒险并不是一切都很有趣,游戏和“Magic Mike Live”。

扮演凯特·皮尔森的艾美奖提名女演员克里斯·梅斯(Chrissy Metz)向“娱乐周刊”(Entertainment Weekly)揭开情感插曲的序幕 – 并在第二季即将到来的婚礼结局中放弃了一个关于“扭曲”的重大暗示.

这个 Is Us - Season 2
Toby(Chris Sullivan)和Kate(Chrissy Metz)将在第2季结局中打结(我们认为!). NBC


“嗯,他们在他们的共同依赖关系中一直非常孤立,他们在托比的健康和流产之间也经历了很多,”梅茨解释道。 “因此,很难让人们陷入他们可能不理解的困境。”

虽然Pearson部落的几名成员在旅途中争吵不休,但Kate和她的兄弟Randall(Sterling K. Brown)分享了一些温柔的回忆。本周,观众们了解到他们的父亲杰克(米洛·文蒂米利亚)去世后兄弟姐妹是不可分割的 – 他们都对他们的兄弟凯文(贾斯汀哈特利)感到愤怒。.




“有一点扭曲,真正的’这是我们’的时尚,因为作家是天才,”她说。 “通俗地说:通过非常重要的宣泄,乐观和欢乐。”

Chrissy Metz对Megyn Kelly说:“我无法对仇恨者回应。”


About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the text is written in Chinese and discusses spoilers for the TV show “This Is Us,” including the characters Kate and Toby celebrating their upcoming wedding in Las Vegas. Actress Chrissy Metz, who plays Kate, revealed some emotional moments in the upcoming season finale and hinted at a twist. She also discussed the close bond between Kate and her brother Randall, and the upcoming appearance of Tobys parents. Overall, fans can expect some unexpected developments in the show.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the text is written in Chinese and discusses spoilers for the TV show “This Is Us,” including the characters Kate and Toby celebrating their upcoming wedding in Las Vegas. Actress Chrissy Metz, who plays Kate, revealed some emotional moments in the upcoming season finale and hinted at a twist. She also discussed the close bond between Kate and her brother Randall, and the upcoming appearance of Tobys parents. Overall, fans can expect some unexpected developments in the show.

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