Caitlyn Jenner在获得奥运金牌40年后出现在体育画报封面上

Caitlyn Jenner在获得奥运金牌40年后出现在体育画报封面上

今年夏天是Caitlyn Jenner生命中一个惊人里程碑的纪念日 – 40年前,作为Bruce Jenner,她在十项全能赛中夺得奥运金牌并成为美国体育英雄.


凯特琳 Jenner's Sports Illustrated cover
Caitlyn Jenner在最新一期体育画报的封面上.体育画报

詹纳饰有金色亮片连身衣和金戒指 – 但最吸引眼球的是金牌,标有“XXI Olympiad Montreal 1976”的奖章,她戴在脖子上.

相关:Caitlyn Jenner告诉Matt Lauer在过渡期间发生了“大规模惊恐发作”


“Caitlyn Jenner就像你现在认识她一样。布鲁斯詹纳,因为你从来不认识他,”问题自夸.

Caitlyn Jenner在与Matt Lauer打高尔夫球时谈到过渡



周二,SI发布了一个多平台回顾,其中包括SI Films独家首映,“Jenner:40 Years After Gold”,此外还有资深作家Tim Layden对Jenner的深入介绍.

相关:Caitlyn Jenner的ESPY奖外观激发了家人的眼泪和自拍

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关注Ree Hines 推特.

凯特琳·詹纳(Caitlyn Jenner)约会男人:’分享你的生活真是太好了’


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or preference on any topic. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English:

    “This summer marks an amazing milestone in Caitlyn Jenners life – 40 years ago, as Bruce Jenner, she won an Olympic gold medal in the decathlon and became an American sports hero. Now, Sports Illustrated is celebrating her victory and unique journey since the 1976 Montreal Olympics, take a look at the special issue today. Caitlyn Jenner is on the cover of the latest Sports Illustrated, wearing a gold sequined jumpsuit and a gold ring – but the most eye-catching thing is the gold medal, with “XXI Olympiad Montreal 1976” engraved on it, which she wears around her neck. Of course, she won this medal decades before her public transition, and the cover story doesnt shy away from that fact. “Caitlyn Jenner is as you know her now. Bruce Jenner, because you never knew him,” the issue boasts. But Sports Illustrated isnt limiting this retrospective to the magazine – the issue hits newsstands on Wednesday. On Tuesday, SI released a multi-platform retrospective that includes the SI Films exclusive premiere, “Jenner: 40 Years After Gold,” as well as a deep dive into Jenner by senior writer Tim Layden. Jenner granted the magazine an exclusive interview for the story, in which she talks about her athletic fame and legacy, and how theyve influenced her transition as a transgender woman. You can watch the 20-minute film and read Laydens full article at Follow Ree Hines on Twitter.”

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