Ben Savage祝贺前电视台妻子Danielle Fishel的订婚

Ben Savage祝贺前电视台妻子Danielle Fishel的订婚


“男孩遇见世界”明矾Ben Savage向他的前联合主演Danielle Fishel致以衷心的感谢,祝贺她最近与制片人Jensen Karp订婚.



本 Savage and Danielle Fishel on

这位前联合主演在1993年至2000年期间,在ABC的心爱的成年系列剧中扮演年轻的爱情鸟Cory Matthews和Topanga Lawrence。屏幕上的情侣在节目的最后一季结束了结。从2014年开始,他们在迪士尼频道分拆“女孩遇见世界”中重新扮演角色,专注于他们的女儿Riley.

在这两个节目中扮演Cory最好的朋友Shawn Hunter的Rider Strong对Fishel表示了自己的祝贺。强人在Twitter上分享了这位女演员的快乐新闻,并加入了一个真诚的“地狱耶。”。




Danielle Fishel:明星’并不总是把它放在一起’


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or culture. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Cory cheers in Topanga! “Boy Meets World” star Ben Savage congratulates his former co-star Danielle Fishel on her recent engagement to producer Jensen Karp. The 37-year-old Savage posted a throwback photo on Instagram, writing, “Congratulations to my favorite TV wife on her engagement. So happy for you Danielle.” In the comments, 36-year-old Fishel replied, “Thank you so much, Ben.” Savage and Fishel played young lovebirds Cory Matthews and Topanga Lawrence on the beloved ABC coming-of-age series from 1993 to 2000. The on-screen couple ended up getting married in the shows final season. Since 2014, they have reprised their roles in the Disney Channel spin-off “Girl Meets World,” focusing on their daughter Riley. Rider Strong, who played Corys best friend Shawn Hunter in both shows, also offered his congratulations to Fishel on Twitter. Last Thursday, Fishel revealed on Instagram that she and Karp will soon be walking down the aisle. “I woke up today thinking it would be a normal day and it was anything but normal. I put on my Genghis Cohen t-shirt and went to see @jensenclan88 at work where I proceeded to screw up a very romantic marriage proposal by being too efficient (this is very on-brand for me). The future Mr. and Mrs. Karp are now engaged and no one is more excited than I am,” she wrote.

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