多么甜蜜! Al Roker加入百老汇的“女服务员”阵容

多么甜蜜! Al Roker加入百老汇的“女服务员”阵容

它不再是天空中的馅饼:Al Roker将前往百老汇,加入“女服务员”的演员阵容!

人 is going to be in Waitress on Broadway for six weeks
Al Roker将前往百老汇!NBC

TODAY气象员周三透露,他将在屡获殊荣的百老汇音乐剧中饰演“Ol’Joe” – 他甚至会唱歌!





人 is going to be in Waitress on Broadway for six weeks
在2007年的电影“女服务员”中,Andy Griffith(在这里与明星Keri Russell见面)扮演了胡思乱想的餐馆老板的角色. 礼貌埃弗雷特收藏

“女服务员”讲述了珍娜的故事,她是一个在南方小餐馆里制作美味甜点(特别是馅饼)的高手。她嫁给了一个真正的混蛋,当她得知自己怀孕时,她决定离开小镇 – 但却变得浪漫地与镇医生纠缠在一起,她知道她的秘密.

女服务员以流行歌星Sara Bareilles的音乐和歌词为特色,Sara Bareilles曾与“耶稣基督巨星直播”合作主演!在制作三年百老汇演出期间,她还兼任詹娜的演出.

人 is going to be in Waitress on Broadway for six weeks
Sara Bareilles已经多次在“女服务员”中提供服务,她还为节目写了音乐和歌词.盖蒂图片



Sara Bareilles和Jason Mraz正在百老汇服务’女服务员’


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the topic, it seems to be in Chinese. The article talks about Al Roker, a weatherman from NBC TODAY, joining the cast of the Broadway musical “Waitress” as “Ol Joe.” He will be singing a song in the show, and he jokes that people will pay to see him perform. “Waitress” is a musical about a woman named Jenna who works in a small restaurant in the South and is a master at making delicious pies. The show features music and lyrics by Sara Bareilles and has been running on Broadway for three years. Al Rokers performance will only be available for six weeks, from October 5th to November 11th.

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