生日快乐,Adam Duritz! Counting Crows的主唱满50岁

生日快乐,Adam Duritz! Counting Crows的主唱满50岁

对于我们中的一些人来说,90年代似乎就像昨天一样,但事实证明,这些年来一直都是如此。一个典型的例子:计数乌鸦主唱Adam Duritz星期五庆祝他的50岁生日!但你永远不会知道看了他多少年了.

图片: Adam Duritz

Duritz看起来和90年代早期乐队在“Jones先生”和“Round Here”这样的热门歌曲中爆发时的情况大致相同。


例如,将他与Christina Applegate配对的谣言证明是错误的.

“我们从未约会过 – 当我住在洛杉矶时,她是我的女房东!”杜里茨告诉“每日电讯报”。还有威诺娜莱德?他认识她,但“她正和我的朋友瑞安亚当斯约会。”


至于他的音乐,他仍在制作并与他23年前创立的乐队合作演出。他们最近发布了一个新单曲“Palisades Park”。

下一张Counting Crows专辑“Somewhere Under Wonderland”将于9月2日发行.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the context of the topic, it seems to be written in Chinese. The article talks about how time flies and how some people, like Adam Duritz, lead singer of Counting Crows, still look the same as they did in the 90s. The article also mentions Duritzs dating history and how he has decided to separate his romantic life from his music. The article ends by mentioning the release of Counting Crows new album.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the context of the topic, it seems to be written in Chinese. The article talks about how time flies and how some people, like Adam Duritz, lead singer of Counting Crows, still look the same as they did in the 90s. The article also mentions Duritzs dating history and how he has decided to separate his romantic life from his music. The article ends by mentioning the release of Counting Crows new album.

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