







韦弗与导演詹姆斯卡梅隆和制片人盖尔安妮赫德,以及演员Lance Henrikson(Bi),Bill Paxton(哈德森),Michael Biehn(希克斯),Paul Reiser(伯克)和Carrie Henn(纽特)一起参演了节目。.

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外星人 Cast movie still



卡梅伦和赫德之前曾在“终结者”(当时已经结婚)一起工作过,他们肩负着创造许多逼真的令人毛骨悚然的爬行事物的艰巨任务。 CGI图形仍然存在多年.

西格妮 Weaver

“这是所有的液压和木偶,”他说。 “外星女王里面有两个人。”


嘉莉 henn then and now
Carrie Henn,右,扮演年轻的Newt。这是她的第一个也是唯一一个电影角色.今天;美联社





外星人 movie still

“不知道,”卡梅伦说,他继续创作“泰坦尼克号”和“阿凡达”。 “陪审团出局,必须找出答案。”





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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a preference for any language. However, I can provide a translation of the given text in English:

    If it werent for sci-fi blockbusters, it would be hard to go to the movies in 2016. Powerful female movie characters are all the rage today (hello, “Ghostbusters”). But lets not forget that in 1986, the space horror movie “Aliens” broke that barrier and went on to be a box office success. Thats right, 30 years ago, Sigourney Weaver, as the tireless Ellen Ripley, returned to space to investigate an abandoned space colony, save a little girl, and kick some serious alien butt. Sigourney Weaver and “Aliens” reunited 30 years later on Jul. 26, 2016. “My favorite day was when I had that flamethrower,” Weaver reflected at the “Aliens” reunion on Tuesday. Weaver appeared on the show with director James Cameron and producer Gale Anne Hurd, as well as actors Lance Henrikson (Bishop), Bill Paxton (Hudson), Michael Biehn (Hicks), Paul Reiser (Burke), and Carrie Henn (Newt). “I love that moment when Sigourney had that look on her face like, Should I do this? Should I do this? Tighten it up,” Biehn recalled of the scene where Ripley had to face the Alien Queen while protecting Newt. Cameron and Hurd had previously worked together on “The Terminator” (they were already married at the time), and they had the daunting task of creating many realistic and creepy crawling things. CGI graphics still existed for many years. Our leading lady! As Ripley (left), Sigourney Weaver paved the way for female heroes in sci-fi and action movies. Today; Getty Images “It was all hydraulics and puppets,” he said. “There were two people inside the Alien Queen.” As for Henn, “Aliens” was her first and only movie. She is now a fourth-grade teacher in California. But during the day, shes a little girl who loves to play in scenes, especially on a slide in one scene. Carrie Henn, right, played young Newt. This was her first and only movie role. Today; AP “You say you keep pulling these things down so you can slide down again,” Cameron chuckled softly. “I just

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