


2023年大片电影续集的剧照已经成为社交媒体的焦点,我们不得不说,“Wonder Woman 1984”正在摇滚我们的世界.

“神奇女侠”续集:Gal Gadot分享了一下


首先,我们简要介绍一下戴安娜(Gal Gadot)盯着给我们MTV,“达拉斯”以及对奢侈生活的热爱的那一代的几个标志性图像:



加尔 Gadot as Wonder Woman
史蒂夫·特雷弗(克里斯·派恩)和神奇女侠在2023年的“神奇女侠”中垮台。Clay Enos / AP


导演Patty Jenkins已经放弃了续集将在美国拍摄,拍摄于6月初开始。据娱乐周刊报道,地点包括华盛顿特区,亚历山大,弗吉尼亚州,英国,西班牙和加那利群岛。.


但是粉丝们必须要有一些真正永恒的耐心才能等待续集,其中Kristen Wiig将成为神奇女侠的敌人猎豹:“Wonder Woman 1984”将不会出现在影院上映,直到2023年11月1日.

‘神奇女侠’明星Gal Gadot有责任成为一名优秀的榜样


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or preference on the topic. However, the article discusses the excitement of “Wonder Woman” fans as they prepare to return to the 1980s with the upcoming sequel, “Wonder Woman 1984.” The article highlights the release of the movies official photos on social media, featuring Gal Gadot as Diana and Chris Pine as Steve Trevor. The article also mentions the filming locations and the release date of the movie, which is set for November 1, 2019. Additionally, the article emphasizes the responsibility of Gal Gadot, the star of the movie, to be a good role model for her fans.

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