

史蒂夫欧文与野生动物有着惊人的联系,对保护的热情和有趣的个性将这一切融合在一起 – 在他去世10年后,他仍然是一个很难遵循的行为.

也就是说,对于Robert Irwin以外的任何人.


相关:Terri Irwin自从10年前Steve Irwin去世以来就没有约会

“看到你喜欢这个真是太酷了,”Jimmy Fallon周四在“The Tonight Show”上见到时告诉了这对青少年。 “你其实……你爸爸!”

罗伯特, Irwin and Steve Irwin
Robert Irwin于2023年2月16日在主持人Jimmy Fallon的“Tonight Show”采访中与Steve Irwin在2002年Nickelodeon的第15届年度儿童选择奖中接受采访.



而他就是这么做的 – 直到让主人在一条大蛇的怀抱中蠕动.



罗伯特 Irwin and Steve Irwin
Jimmy Fallon带来了Steve Irwin和他儿子Robert的可爱照片.NBC

相关:Bindi Irwin在父亲Steve Irwin逝世10周年之际发表了甜蜜的致敬

“这只是在我的血液中,”他对法伦说。 “我实际上是在澳大利亚动物园长大的。我想我是地球上最幸运的孩子!”

关注Ree Hines 推特.

About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the topic, it appears to be in Chinese. The article discusses the amazing connection between Steve Irwin and wildlife, and how his passion for conservation and interesting personality made him difficult to follow even 10 years after his death. It also mentions how his son, Robert Irwin, shares his fathers interests and looks like him at 13 years old. The article includes a video of Robert Irwin on Jimmy Fallons “Tonight Show” and talks about how he works with animals at home in their 100-acre zoo.

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