狗网站Paws Like Me承诺将您与完美的狗相匹配

狗网站Paws Like Me承诺将您与完美的狗相匹配


对于那些寻找人类爱情关系的人来说,不缺少约会网站和应用程序来快速完成搜索工作。但是,如果你是男人最好的朋友的市场,那么它可能是粗糙的 – 皱纹! – 在那里.


图片: Dog
黄色实验室在外面滚动; Shutterstock ID 222732547; PO:today.com存在Shutterstock


关于能量水平,信心,专注和独立性的四个简单问题 – PawsLikeMe使用的四个“核心个性象限” – 可以让您立即滚动一个需要家庭的潜在幼崽列表.

英国牛头犬小狗Getty Images股票





例如,我有其他的狗和猫 – 我提供的细节 – 但我最喜欢的是一个名叫托比的可爱的成年犬混合物,其收养细节包括,“他不能与猫或任何其他小动物一起生活。没有其他狗也是最好的。“

所以我和托比?它永远不会成功。 (但请看看托比,看看他是否适合你!)


事实上,我唯一能把我和马耳他混合物分开的名字叫泰迪 – 除了2,522英里,因为我没有输入我的邮政编码 – 是因为我实际上并没有寻找新的加法.



生病,狗,毯子,睡觉,生病的狗,睡觉Getty Images股票



关注Ree Hines 推特 谷歌+.

About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion, but I can provide a translation of the text in English.

    Finding the right person is not easy! When it comes to partners or dogs, this is true. For those looking for human romantic relationships, there is no shortage of dating websites and apps to quickly complete the search. But if youre in the market for mans best friend, it can be rough – wrinkles! – out there. Or at least it is. There is now a website, PawsLikeMe, which claims to be the “eHarmony for pets and people.” If you answer a few questions, they claim the same algorithm that other sites use to match you with Mr. Right can match you with the right dog. Four simple questions about energy level, confidence, focus, and independence – the four “core personality quadrants” used by PawsLikeMe – can immediately scroll you through a potential puppy list that needs a home. However, if youre willing to answer a lengthy survey, they really will customize the dog selection based on all your details. For example, I have other dogs and cats – details I provided – but my favorite is a cute adult dog mix named Toby, whose adoption details include, “He cannot live with cats or any other small animals. No other dogs are best.” So me and Toby? It will never work. (But check out Toby and see if hes right for you!) However, this good boy is just one of 19 possibilities, and others may work out. The ultimate goal of the website is to reduce the likelihood of bad matches, which often lead to dogs returning to shelters or foster homes. As for cat lovers waiting for their dating website, they wont have to wait too long. “We are currently developing a feline matching system,” PawsLikeMe says on its website.

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