Je to dokonalý recept na čokoládové cookie?

Je to dokonalý recept na čokoládové cookie?

Spálené dno, suché těsto, nerovné rozdělení čokoládových kusů. To je často způsob, jakým se cookie rozpadá – doslovně. Dokonalý recept na čokoládové cookie byl mýtus, ale lidé za ChefStepsem tvrdí, že zjistili tajemství, že tento tradiční oblíbenec je stále bezchybný.

Tajemství “perfektní čokolády cookie cookie”, jak řekl Al Roker


Je to všechno o tom, jak každý krok a každá složka ovlivňují výsledky. Největší tanečník? Čokoládové lupínky jej neříznou!

Al, Tamron a Jenna dávali těmto údajně dokonalým cookies pokus. Verdikt? Nebylo dost prodeje, že ty cookie byly nejlepší, co kdy měli, ale to jim nezastavilo, že by si je neměli chovat.

Podívejte se na sladké tajemství, jak udělat nejvíce perfektní čokoládové cookie a rozhodněte se sami.

Chcete-li uspokojit všechny vaše chutě cookie, podívejte se na tyto další vynikající verze.

Chris Kimball je “dokonalý” čokoládový cookie recept recept

5 receptů na cukr

Okamžité uspokojování cookies mrazem a pečením

Mandlovými zmrzlinovými sendvičovými cookies

About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a native language, but I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Burnt bottom, dry dough, uneven distribution of chocolate pieces. Thats often the way a cookie crumbles – literally. The perfect recipe for chocolate cookies was a myth, but people at ChefSteps claim to have discovered the secret that this traditional favorite is still flawless. The secret to the “perfect chocolate cookie,” as Al Roker said on Jul. 27, 2015 at 02:15, is all about how each step and ingredient affects the results. The biggest dancer? Chocolate chips wont cut it! Al, Tamron, and Jenna put these supposedly perfect cookies to the test. The verdict? There wasnt enough sales pitch that those cookies were the best they ever had, but that didnt stop them from keeping them. Check out the sweet secret of making the most perfect chocolate cookies and decide for yourself. To satisfy all your cookie cravings, check out these other excellent versions. Chris Kimballs “perfect” chocolate cookie recipe, 5 sugar cookie recipes, Instant gratification cookies frozen and baked, Almond ice cream sandwich cookies.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a native language, but I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Burnt bottom, dry dough, uneven distribution of chocolate pieces. Thats often the way a cookie crumbles – literally. The perfect recipe for chocolate cookies was a myth, but people at ChefSteps claim to have discovered the secret that this traditional favorite is still flawless. The secret to the “perfect chocolate cookie,” as Al Roker said on Jul. 27, 2015 at 02:15, is all about how each step and ingredient affects the results. The biggest dancer? Chocolate chips wont cut it! Al, Tamron, and Jenna put these supposedly perfect cookies to the test. The verdict? There wasnt enough sales pitch that those cookies were the best they ever had, but that didnt stop them from keeping them. Check out the sweet secret of making the most perfect chocolate cookies and decide for yourself. To satisfy all your cookie cravings, check out these other excellent versions. Chris Kimballs “perfect” chocolate cookie recipe, 5 sugar cookie recipes, Instant gratification cookies frozen and baked, Almond ice cream sandwich cookies.

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