“Má hodně historie”: Vidět uvnitř tohoto 135-rok-starý adobe domov

“Má hodně historie”: Vidět uvnitř tohoto 135-rok-starý adobe domov

Tato nemovitost o rozloze 2,7 akrů v ospalé vesnici mimo Santa Fe krásně zachytí architektonickou chuť své doby. Postaven v roce 1881, rok po příjezdu do přístavu a dal Lamy, Nové Mexiko, důvod k existenci, stále se může pochlubit hradbami a hrubými trámy známými v těchto částech jako “vigas”.

Starý Santa Fe Abode
Jonathan Tercero / Zdvořilost z Zillow
Starý Santa Fe Abode
Jonathan Tercero / Zdvořilost z Zillow

Hlavní dom se třemi ložnicemi, tři lázně, byl po několik desetiletí generální obchod a poštovní úřad Lamy před tím, než ho v 70. letech koupil olejový magnát, podle současného majitele Jean Zunkela. Magnusův zeť ji odvrátil z obchodu do domova.

Starý Santa Fe Abode
Jonathan Tercero / Zdvořilost z Zillow
Starý Santa Fe Abode
Jonathan Tercero / Zdvořilost z Zillow
Starý Santa Fe Abode
Jonathan Tercero / Zdvořilost z Zillow

Zunkel miluje energii domova, která sdílí panství s penzionem s 1 ložnicí, strukturou s šikmou střechou, ve které se nachází studio a garáž pro tři auta a sadu s třešní, broskví, meruňkami a jabloněmi. Společně jsou na trhu za 1,5 milionu dolarů.

Starý Santa Fe Abode
Jonathan Tercero / Zdvořilost z Zillow
Starý Santa Fe Abode
Jonathan Tercero / Zdvořilost z Zillow

“Můžete říci, že nese spoustu historie, i když nemá žádné duchovní,” řekl Zunkel. “Lidé chodí do mého domu a okamžitě se cítí pohodlně a uvolněně.”

Starý Santa Fe Abode
Jonathan Tercero / Zdvořilost z Zillow
Starý Santa Fe Abode
Zdvořilost od Zillow
Starý Santa Fe Abode
Jonathan Tercero / Zdvořilost z Zillow

Otevřený půdorys v hlavní obytné zóně domu se může pochlubit stropy vyššími než většina tradičních domů adobe, spolu s podlahou z cihel a dlaždic, krbem a francouzskými dveřmi. V jídelně je okno s hradbami a výložníkové okno v jedné z hlavních ložnic, obojí s čalouněním pro čtení nebo přírodou s pohledem.

Starý Santa Fe Abode
Jonathan Tercero / Zdvořilost z Zillow
Starý Santa Fe Abode
Jonathan Tercero / Zdvořilost z Zillow
Starý Santa Fe Abode
Jonathan Tercero / Zdvořilost z Zillow

Všechny tři ložnice mají připevněné koupelny a jedna je vybavena krbem, francouzskými dveřmi a dostatečným počtem čtverců pro spaní a kancelář.

Starý Santa Fe Abode
Zdvořilost od Zillow
Starý Santa Fe Abode
Jonathan Tercero / Zdvořilost z Zillow

Agenta pro zápis je Stephanie Duran z Barker Realty / Christie’s International Real Estate.

Starý Santa Fe Abode
Jonathan Tercero / Zdvořilost z Zillow
Starý Santa Fe Abode
Jonathan Tercero / Zdvořilost z Zillow
Starý Santa Fe Abode
Jonathan Tercero / Zdvořilost z Zillow

Fotky od Jonathana Tercera.


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a preference for any language. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English:

    This property, with an area of 2.7 acres in a sleepy village outside Santa Fe, beautifully captures the architectural taste of its time. Built in 1881, a year after the arrival of the railroad and Lamy, New Mexico, the reason for its existence, it can still boast of walls and rough beams known in these parts as “vigas”. The main house with three bedrooms, three baths, was a general store and post office for decades before it was bought by an oil magnate in the 1970s, according to current owner Jean Zunkel. Magnuss son-in-law turned it from a store into a home. Zunkel loves the energy of the home, which shares the estate with a one-bedroom guesthouse, a structure with a sloping roof that houses a studio and a three-car garage, and an orchard with cherries, peaches, apricots, and apple trees. Together, they are on the market for $1.5 million. “You can say it carries a lot of history, even though it has no spirits,” Zunkel said. “People come to my house and immediately feel comfortable and relaxed.” The open floor plan in the main living area of the house boasts ceilings higher than most traditional adobe homes, along with brick and tile floors, a fireplace, and French doors. The dining room has a barred window and a bay window in one of the main bedrooms, both with upholstery for reading or nature viewing. All three bedrooms have attached bathrooms, and one is equipped with a fireplace, French doors, and enough square footage for sleeping and office space. The listing agent is Stephanie Duran of Barker Realty/Christies International Real Estate. Photos by Jonathan Tercera.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a preference for any language. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English:

    This property, with an area of 2.7 acres in a sleepy village outside Santa Fe, beautifully captures the architectural taste of its time. Built in 1881, a year after the arrival of the railroad and Lamy, New Mexico, the reason for its existence, it can still boast of walls and rough beams known in these parts as “vigas”. The main house with three bedrooms, three baths, was a general store and post office for decades before it was bought by an oil magnate in the 1970s, according to current owner Jean Zunkel. Magnuss son-in-law turned it from a store into a home. Zunkel loves the energy of the home, which shares the estate with a one-bedroom guesthouse, a structure with a sloping roof that houses a studio and a three-car garage, and an orchard with cherries, peaches, apricots, and apple trees. Together, they are on the market for $1.5 million. “You can say it carries a lot of history, even though it has no spirits,” Zunkel said. “People come to my house and immediately feel comfortable and relaxed.” The open floor plan in the main living area of the house boasts ceilings higher than most traditional adobe homes, along with brick and tile floors, a fireplace, and French doors. The dining room has a barred window and a bay window in one of the main bedrooms, both with upholstery for reading or nature viewing. All three bedrooms have attached bathrooms, and one is equipped with a fireplace, French doors, and enough square footage for sleeping and office space. The listing agent is Stephanie Duran of Barker Realty/Christies International Real Estate. Photos by Jonathan Tercera.

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