Двойникът на Жан “sixperiment”: 4 дни и не “се отказва”

Двойникът на Жан “sixperiment”: 4 дни и не “се отказва”

Финансовият редактор на ДНЕС днес Жан Хацки се ангажира с експеримента с шест артикула или по-малко гардероб. Разберете как успява да се облича само с няколко дрехи:

Жан Чаки пише: Ден 4: Khaki шорти (5), бял резервоар (2) и черен пуловер (3). Забавен шал, за да го издърпате заедно.

Не влязох в длъжност вчера, защото бях избягал, за да дам реч пред група финансови съветници в Бостън (не сте пропуснали много дрехи, но носех същото нещо, което носех в Ден 1). За мен обаче беше интересно, че обличането ми не ме направи толкова лудо, колкото преди няколко дни. Знаех, че това ще ми отнеме по-малко време, за да избера, така че дадох себе си още 15 минути на неблагодарна – и се чувствах по-добре в резултат през целия ден.

По време на пътуването си дойдох с Бари Шварц, автор на “Парадоксът на избора: Защо е по-малко повече” и го помолих да претегля моята “шестата”. Той обясни, че понеже бях решил да разбера това предизвикателство, щях да съм по-малко вероятно да го смятам за налагане, отколкото някой, който е бил принуден да го направи. “Това, което кара хората да се заблудят, че нямат избор, е кой решава, че нямате избор”, каза той. “Ако контролирате дневния ред и ограничавате броя на опциите, които може да се отегчите, но няма да се побъркате. Хората искат и се нуждаят от контрол и автономия. Ако някой друг наложи системата, вие лишавате хората от автономия. “

Това ми направи съвсем уместно. Реших да взема това доброволно. Това, което ме кара да съм малко (не днес, а в други дни), не е фактът, че елементите ми са ограничени, но те са ограничени до 6. Бих предпочел да имам 10. Или – защото животът ми у дома е толкова различен от живота ми на работа – 6 за работа и 6 за дома. Бих предпочел да задам свой собствен номер. Което не означава, че се отказвам. Първият уикенд е върху нас, което означава, че моите къси панталони, костюми и бански костюми (които не се броят, благодаря на доброто) ще получат достоен труд. И моята миеща машина също ще.

Следвайте напредъка на Жан Хацки кикотене и Facebook.

Свързани:По-малко ли е? Жан Chatzky се ангажира с килера “sixperiment”

NYT: “Диета” в коридора: Живее само на шест дрехи

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a native language, but I can provide a translation of the text in Bulgarian to English:

    The financial editor of DNEVNIK today, Jean Chatzky, is committed to the experiment with six articles or less wardrobe. Find out how he manages to dress with just a few clothes: Jean Chatzky writes: Day 4: Khaki shorts (5), white tank top (2) and black sweater (3). A fun scarf to pull it together. I didnt come to work yesterday because I ran away to give a speech to a group of financial advisors in Boston (you didnt miss much clothes, but I wore the same thing I wore on Day 1). But for me, it was interesting that my dressing didnt make me as crazy as a few days ago. I knew it would take me less time to choose, so I gave myself another 15 minutes on the ungrateful – and felt better as a result throughout the day. During my trip, I met Barry Schwartz, author of “The Paradox of Choice: Why Less is More,” and asked him to weigh my “sixth.” He explained that because I had decided to understand this challenge, I would be less likely to consider it an imposition than someone who had been forced to do so. “What makes people think they have no choice is who decides they have no choice,” he said. “If you control the agenda and limit the number of options you can burden, but you wont get confused. People want and need control and autonomy. If someone else imposes the system, you deprive people of autonomy. ” That made me quite appropriate. I decided to take this voluntarily. What makes me a little (not today, but on other days) is not the fact that my elements are limited, but they are limited to 6. I would prefer to have 10. Or – because my life at home is so different from my work life – 6 for work and 6 for home. I would prefer to set my own number. Which doesnt mean Im giving up. The first weekend is upon us, which means my shorts, suits, and swimsuits (which dont count, thanks to the good) will get a decent job. And my washing machine too. Follow Jean Chatzkys progress giggling and Facebook. Related: Is it less? Jean Chatzky commits to the “six

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a native language, but I can provide a translation of the text in Bulgarian to English:

    The financial editor of DNEVNIK today, Jean Chatzky, is committed to the experiment with six articles or less wardrobe. Find out how he manages to dress with just a few clothes: Jean Chatzky writes: Day 4: Khaki shorts (5), white tank top (2) and black sweater (3). A fun scarf to pull it together. I didnt come to work yesterday because I ran away to give a speech to a group of financial advisors in Boston (you didnt miss much clothes, but I wore the same thing I wore on Day 1). But for me, it was interesting that my dressing didnt make me as crazy as a few days ago. I knew it would take me less time to choose, so I gave myself another 15 minutes on the ungrateful – and felt better as a result throughout the day. During my trip, I met Barry Schwartz, author of “The Paradox of Choice: Why Less is More,” and asked him to weigh my “sixth.” He explained that because I had decided to understand this challenge, I would be less likely to consider it an imposition than someone who had been forced to do so. “What makes people think they have no choice is who decides they have no choice,” he said. “If you control the agenda and limit the number of options you can burden, but you wont get confused. People want and need control and autonomy. If someone else imposes the system, you deprive people of autonomy. ” That made me quite appropriate. I decided to take this voluntarily. What makes me a little (not today, but on other days) is not the fact that my elements are limited, but they are limited to 6. I would prefer to have 10. Or – because my life at home is so different from my work life – 6 for work and 6 for home. I would prefer to set my own number. Which doesnt mean Im giving up. The first weekend is upon us, which means my shorts, suits, and swimsuits (which dont count, thanks to the good) will get a decent job. And my washing machine too. Follow Jean Chatzkys progress giggling and Facebook. Related: Is it less? Jean Chatzky commits to the “six

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